Chapter 4 - You've Got Me Feeling Like A Child Now

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             Zayn really didn’t want to bring Niall back to his special education class, the main reason being he was selfish and wanted Niall all to himself. But on the other hand, he knew Niall hated that class, and he didn’t want to make his baby brother do something he didn’t like.

             "Charming?" Zayn called from across the lunch table and Niall scarfed down his food, looking up at Zayn with a mouth full of food. "Do you want to skip the rest of the day? We can go to the park again?"

             Niall nearly jumped out of his seat with excitement, nodding his head and bouncing. "Park!" Niall cheered. "Yeah, park. Why don’t you finish and we can go before class starts?" Zayn asked of the blonde as he finished his own sandwich, taking a drink of his soda (Niall drank milk) and getting up to throw away everything else.

             "Ready!" Niall cheered as he fixed his shoe, running a small, shaky hand through his blonde locks. They stood in the middle of the cafeteria now, not that either acknowledged it. Until of course, something moist and icky hit Niall right in the back of the head. The blonde gasped, his lip quivering as he brought his hand up to his head and felt whatever it was.

             Mack and cheese, that’s what it was...All over Niall’s hair and school uniform.

             Zayn noticed the boys contorting face and wrapped an arm around his baby brother. "No, no, it’s okay Charming, don’t cry." Zayn soothed, ushering him out the double doors, the rest of the cafeteria laughing. Fucking assholes.

             "Z-Zaynie it’s icky!" Niall screamed, his body quivering. "I know, we’ll go get it cleaned off I promise. Please don’t cry?" Zayn pleaded of the blonde, kissing the corner of his mouth and leading him out of the school parking lot and down the street. They lived only a few blocks away, so the always walked to school. It was only noon so there father was gone for work, not that he actually did his job, but at least he wouldn’t be home.

             Which is where Niall and Zayn were now, Zayn leading him inside the house by his hand, where they passed by Niall passed out mother and headed up to the bathroom. Niall sad on the toilet seat as Zayn worked to clean off the Mack and cheese from his brothers head, peeling off his stained clothes and bending him over the bathtub to wash his hair out.

             Niall sniffled and crossed his arms as Zayn dried his hair with a towel, all the mean while trying to keep his cool. How could some people be so cruel? What had Niall ever done? He’s so innocent and small, how could anyone willingly want to hurt him?

             "W-We still go to the park?" Niall wondered, staring up at his brother who was at least a half a foot taller. "No, we'll go somewhere better, how’s that sound?" Zayn said in a excited voice and Niall giggled, nodding quickly. That did sound like fun...


             Twenty minutes later and Niall found himself in the passenger seat of Zayn’s black 2005 Honda civic. Niall liked Zayn’s car. The windows were dark and it always smelled nice. Zayn wasn’t in love with his car or anything, he just liked to keep it clean.

             "Where are we going?" Niall wondered as he played with his buzz light-year toy, banging it against the passenger window. "You'll have to wait and see, but I promise you'll like it."

             Zayn smirked at the road as they drove. He knew just where he wanted to take Niall. Ice cream.

             He had money saved for things like this? He did work here and there, mowed a few lawns, walked a few dogs. All to help pay for Niall’s special life, and this counted as one of those occasions?

             Zayn finally pulled up in front of the little ice cream show, Niall still oblivious to it all as he played with buzz light-years arm. "Look Ni, were here." He pointed out.

             Niall gasped and looked up. Everything was so colorful and pretty. And the sign read "Ice cream and Frozen Yogurt" across the front, Niall was mighty proud when he sounded it out to himself.

             "Ice cream!" He cheered and unlatched his seat belt, Waiting for Zayn to come around and open his door, as to make sure Niall didn’t run off (It was routine).

             "I want strawberry!" Niall said before they even entered the store. Zayn grabbed onto his hand tightly. Not intertwining their fingers, but it was still enough to make Niall blush mad and bury his face in Zayn’s shoulder as they stood at the counter. "You wanted strawberry, bud?" Zayn questioned as he looked at the other flavors.

             Niall nodded slowly against Zayn’s skin and squeezed his hand tighter. He didn’t like people looking at him, and the girl across the room was doing just that.

             "Can I get...One strawberry waffle cone and a...Mint and chip waffle cone?" The cashier rang Zayn up and he had to let go of Niall’s hand to reach into his pocket, but that didn’t stop Niall from clinging to his body and hiding himself.

             Zayn grabbed a napkins for the two, wrapping one around Niall’s cone and he handed it to him, taking his hand again and walking him out of the store. Zayn left his car parked and they walked down the street, scattered with people, but Niall held onto Zayn’s hand with a vice grip.

             "Where we going?" Niall whispered as they walked. "I thought we would go for a walk?" Zayn shrugged and walked along, licking at his ice cream. When he glanced over at Niall, the smaller had pink dripping down his chin, Nialls’ tongue flicking out at the delicious cream. Zayn wanted to devour his mouth then, lap up all the sweet dribble from his chin and finally, shove that tongue deep down Niall’s throat and greedily lick up every ounce of ice cream.

             But of course, like the good little boy Zayn is, he merely smiled at his brother and continued to walk.

             They went nowhere important, but being together was important? And if Niall had fun, so did Zayn.


             It was mid afternoon when they finally arrived home again, After one more trip to the park to see the ducks (Which Niall spent the whole time naming, even if each duck got at least three names).

             Niall didn’t want to go home but they had to right? Even if it meant Niall would be called horrid names and dragged into the corner to be kissed and fondled when Zayn wasn’t looking.

             As much as Zayn didn’t want to be there, he knew it was the rules. Zayn wasn’t eighteen yet and until that day, he and his precious baby had to stay under that roof, with that disgusting excuse of a man.

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