He's Back

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Another part just for you my Booboo's😍😍😍

Samantha's p.o.v

I hope I don't have to see Micheal in the School.

It would be kind of awkward.
I walk in and what do I see?

Niall! Hugging Mrs. My legs are open 24/7 (hours in a week).

I just rolled my eyes and walked past like I didn't even see them.

That 'revenge' thing wasn't like I planned.

I was walking down the aisle when someone pushed me in the boys Bathroom.

I tried to scream but he/she covered my mouth.

I looked in front of me and my eyes met with a grey/blur one.

He looked pissed, like very pissed.

"You think you can just run away like that?" Micheal said through gritted teeth.

It sent shivers down my spine.
He removed his hand from my mouth so I could speak.

But right now nothing came out, like really nothing.

"Sorry" I looked down avoiding any eye contact.
"It's not enough, why did you run away huhh!?" He almost yelled.

"I was afraid you're going to hurt me" I said and pushed him away.

"Oh really!!? So it wasn't becausr of that little shit!!??" He screamed in my face.

I slapped him across the cheek really hard. Hoe dare talk about my Ni-
I mean... Niall yeah Mhm just Niall like that.

He turned his face to me and his eyes weren't grey/blur anymore.
No! They were Black.

He moved closer and I backed up.
He grabbed my wrists and pushed me up against a wall.

"Who do you think you are? You think you can slap me like that...?" He asked his face inches away from mine.

I didn't even move.
"You're mine, from now on you belong to me" he said.

Wait!!?? What!!? I'm not a ragdoll he can play with.

"What thr actuall hell? F$ck you Micheal! I'm not yours nor will be ever" I yelled.

"Oh really!? So you telling me you don't mind if I tell Niall that you still love him and we weren't dating? I mean he cheated on you, broke your heart, and he's Dating Marika" he shrugged and smirked.

"What he's dating?.." before I could end my sentence he answered.

"Yeah he is Dating her" yet he just smirked again.

"So? You'll give up and be my Girlfriend or should I go and tell Niall?, decide now!" He said with a serious tone.

Oh G! What should I do now! I can't let Niall win after he did to me, but I can't date that Asshole either.

"Times up so?" He asked and when I didn't respond he said.

"Cool, I'll go and search Niall" he said and started to walk to the Door.

"Wait!!!" He turned around.

"Yes?" He asked innocently.

"Okay You won I'll be your Girlfriend" I looked down sadly.

He came up to me wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

I didn't kiss back so he pulled away.
"Kiss back!" He said angrilly.

He kissed me again and this time I kissed back.

"Come we have to go to our lesson" he led me out.


Bye... see you in the Next Part Babies😂😍😍😍😍

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