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Omega's POV

Despair... That is all I am feeling. Casting away my freedom to save my sister was the easiest choice I have ever made. If I had only stayed there she might not have gotten hurt. No, She would have still gotten hurt. 

I know how Cinder is by now. Regardless if I was there she would have hurt the things precious to me. I curl up against the cold stone wall and allow my mind to wander to not a few hours ago. 


Geno's POV

Curse that witch, I know Omega didn't do this. Ozpin refuses to listen no matter how much I plead with him. They cannot see the signs right in front of their vary eyes. She never died, I know since I was there along with Meichi and Alicia.

 We fought her to keep Omega free from her brainwashing. She was behind the incident that happened to Omega and Blake. Cinder... I will kill you where you stand. I flip my coat off to my side and resume Omega's hunt.

Omega said he was hunting her in the woods of forever fall. She hid this close to Beacon and Ozpin never knew. I smirk the hunt that I began would come to a end and Omega would be free from his prison cell. I allow my legs to jump into a sprint and follow the scent of Cinder, she would meet her end by my hands if it was the last thing, I did. 

The trees allowed only minimal sight and luckily it was still light out but it would not be for long. Twilight was setting and I believe in a hour I would lose her trail. The air around me seemed to whip for a second. I allow my ears to adjust but as I hear the last bit of a odd semblance being used. 

It is to late to dodge. I could only minimize the impact. I felt wood of a near-by sakara tree splinter as my head connects with trunk. Sakara petals fall around as a women could be seen in the nearby woods.

"Oh, What do we have here. A little runt who escaped the litter?" Cinder smirks as she exits the woods her black dress sparkling as the last bit of sun hit the crystals in her dress. She had imbued it with Dust...


Blake's POV 

 Omega... Fate is truly cruel to you and I. You remember me only to be imprisioned after you do. I have been told that I cannot visit you at all. I cannot touch you nor you I. Yang is sitting on her bed crying over your loss and Ruby still hasn't woken up. They say she may never. Yang knew not to tell you as you would not allow yourself to breathe one night more if you heard that news.

Seeing you in such a state would kill my very being. I have truly fallen for you and you for me. I will get you out of those bars and return your soul to you. Omega you are losing who you are and it scares me.

A/N Cliffhanger. I told you it would be more entertaining than the last one. But I love leaving people on a cliffhanger, it makes me feel a little better about life. But enough of that. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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