The cat and mouse game continues.

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A/N Afew things before you read this chapter my reader friend.

1. Omega currently doesn't remember Blake and he can barely remember his sister's and the experiences he has had with them.

2. Warning this will only get darker from here. So if you have a weak stomach don't read further without a bag next to you or trashcan.

3. I want to thank everyone for making this my most popular story not with views but with votes. I thank you from the bottom of my very being. :D

4. Please note. Ruby and Yang are hunting Omega but they aren't the only ones hunting him. He has a big enough bounty on his head that he is wanted dead or alive. Every real Huntress or hunter, even those who are juniors and seniors at Beacon are hunting him. Ozpin hasn't allowed anyone that is a Freshman or sophomore besides team RWBY who are on a technicallity Juniors. This story takes place two years after Omega's time in Beacon where RWBY were freshman.

Now that those pesky notes are out of the way lets get on with regularly scheduled RWBY fanfiction now shall we.

Omega's POV

I awoke to the sounds of a scream as the pinging sounds of his trap were set off. He took his eyes to my left where the sounds where coming from in his improvised rope trap that he set whenever I slept.I was surprised to see. A certain cat faunus staring at me with yellow eyes that held tears. 

I wondered why she was so obsessed with me that I started to think but as he started to think about her. I started to remember the sounds of howls within my head and I had excruating pain in his temples. That I lost my footing in the tree and fell on my left ankle. Pain exploded through it without mercy. Luckily I fell in front of the trap and was face to face with Blake.

"Why? Why do you continue to follow me?" I ask wondering why I had to fall on that ankle. I had to have sprained it and looking down at it there was only the deep purple of a bruise. I sighed gritting my teeth against the pain moving my ankle caused. 

"I only want to help you Omega." She tells me as I move to the release lever that was near the trap but out of reach for even the biggest trapped person. I knew the rope trap wouldn't keep her trapped. Though I wasn't aware of how. I moved to the lever but as I moved to it she spoke one final sentance to me that would set me on a path, I wasn't aware of.

"Omega, you are truely the last Rose that sees spring." She says the tears in her eyes spilling over to make sad streakes on her face. I cannot remember why but that sentance causes one more memory to come to my head. I remember the sounds of wolves but I was not alone. I try to look but the siloette was hazy. 

But the voice was without a doubt familiar to me. I was certain without a doubt that the faunus in front of me was the person that I was dragging in the memory until everything went black.

I hit the release switch releasing her from her prison. "Why did you come back for me Kitten?" I ask tearing up and streams of tears fall to my shirt. She tensed at the nickname I gave her. She approuched me slowly and embraced me.

"I am so glad you remember me Omega." Blake smiled and slowly moved her lips toward mine and she kissed me for the first time in years. I allow her to explore my mouth for a little awhile before I pull away.

I pull her forward with me and allow her to come closer to the spot I was resting.

'Lets go find the person who framed me. So i can be with you again my kit." I said as I watch her smile despite herself.

"Ok." Blake said allowing me to draw her deeper into the woods.

A/N I know I said it will be darker from here on but I couldn't resist another chapter about Blake and Omega. Originally I was not going to allow him to remember Blake but i found that to be too dark for Blake and me to stand. Oh and i apoligize for a short chapter. I am kinda not feeling well.

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