Despaired fallen Angels

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Omega's POV

The swinging of bars wakes me from what seemed like a eternal slumber. Clearing my vision from the sleepiness that stayed within I could make out a older man with silver hair and a cane. Ozpin.... 

"Lets go, you are free from the cell we were sent a message with her image." Ozpin stated his eyes softening as he showed me the scene on his scroll. The image filled me with numbness then despair. Seeing the bloodied body of my adopted son Geno was mindracking. The wetness on my face allowed  me to snap out of it.

" You will go back to your old room, Don't worry team OMGA is back besides Geno. They will keep you company in this dark time. But first lets go see your sister Ruby." Ozpin's eyes showed sadness at my loss and showed that he finally believed me.

The meters that seperated us from the infirmary felt like a jog all around Forever Fall Forest. The creaking of the door as we entered the building was eerie and ominous.

The door of Ruby's room was slightly ajar like someone had left it open on purpose. Opening the door with the speed of the likes of Ruby, I was chilled to my very core.

Sitting in the seat next to Ruby's bed was Cinder. As soon as she saw me she ruffled Ruby's hair like she owned my sister.

A/N  I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry for making short chapters but they will lead up to bigger ones.  I am also not feeling well enough either to think up long chapters atm. As soon as you see a long chapter you should know I am at least feeling better. Well anyway remember to enjoy your day.

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