Salvation in the past.

911 20 3

Omega's POV 7 years old.
I lost her. "Mom...!" I yell at the top of my lungs screaming as I seem to lose my seem in the infinite sadness since I lost her. I hear the scrunching of leaves and I look up to see the same White Fang member with the flaming yellow eyes that seemed to burn my very soul.
She raised her weapon to me and raised it above her head about to strike me down and guillotine me with the blade of shadow and fire.

 As she seemed to bring the blade down onto my head, I prepared myself for the great oblivion that was Death's loving embrace. I hear a reading shock I look up and the person's weapon was shot out of her hand with ease she took that as the time to disappear for awhile. I await the sight of my savior and I am greeted with the sight of silver grey hair while wearing a black cape and a silver looking tux. Uncle Qrow

My savior was my uncle. I try to run forward but my body has different ideas. I fall into blessed darkness.

Qrow's POV
The kid had passed out. Figures all the time I have to save someone who is family. Sometimes it tends to get old.
. .
Omega's POV
"The kid was only trying to care for his mother. He didn't mean to get her killed. Don't blame him for Summer's mistake." I hear someone yelling and feel my eyes fluttering open to the sounds of a argument.
"He is no longer my son. If you want him Qrow you can take him. Otherwise I will kill him tonight." I hear the familiar voice of my dad yelling back at Qrow.

"Fine but I also taking Ruby and Yang too. If you cannot take care if your son then you can't take care of them. You are already losing your temper because your son snuck out. He didn't know it would get his mom killed." Qrow screams back. Ruby and Yang ran into the room Ruby just 2 with a little Beowolf on her shirt and Yang just 4 with her teddy bear in her arms and they s seemed to bee crying too.
"Big bruther we're scared." Yang cried into his shirt as the two adults continued until Qrow had packed all 3 siblings bags and left for his house.

A/N I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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