“Ric,” Leo called out when he reappeared in his true form down in the foyer of his home.  He cocked his head to the side and listened for an answer.  He was met with nothing, silence.  Leo then quickly made strides from one room to the next in search of the one man who was supposed to be as his beck and call.

Not finding him when he needed him the most was starting to really piss him off.

“Ric, where the hell are you?” He called out much louder  this time with irritation flooding his voice.

“You called?,” Ric asked coming up from behind him.

Leo turned around and stared down at Ric.  “Yes, several times in fact.  Where have you been?” He asked impatiently.

Ric stepped forward but was careful to keep his gaze adverted.  “I have been in the basement sir. Is there something that you need?”

Eyeing Ric, Leo released a breath and closed his eyes.  Yeah, he needed something alright. he needed his little bride in every way imaginable, both casual and intimate.  

But alas, it was too soon.

Opening up his ink black eyes Leo pinned his gaze on Ric and in a cool tone that he wasn’t really feeling in the least little bit he asked,  “Did you get me a feeder?”

"Of course," he replied swiftly.  "That is why I was in the basement."  Ric lifted his head up to Leo and watched him through cautionary eyes.  He sensed that his master was on edge and that wasn't like him.  Leo has always been the epitome of impenetrable demeanor.  But right now, he was nothing like usual self.

His eyes were continually darting this way and that.  The constant disappearances to his room where he sat vigil over a repulsive human of all things was inebriating.  Humans were the bottom links of the food chain.  They were only good for one thing and one thing only, sustenance for their kind.  They were the almighty rulers of the night and yet Leo has made plans to marry one.  He was already bringing her over to the other side and to top it off, Leo expects him to bow down at her every wish and command.

Well, his master was sorely mistaking if he thought that Ric would bow to any human, his pet or not.  It would be a cold day in hell before he lowered himself to that level.  A cold day indeed.

Leo grunted but said nothing else in passing as he swept by Ric and headed for the basement.  He needed to sate his hunger so that he could get back to his Shelby and the sooner that it happened the better off he'd be.

Ric stared at the back of his master while he retreated down the stairs and knew exactly why he wasn't himself.  The human must of somehow bewitched him.  She must possess some type of dark magic, a different type of mind control.  Why else would his master, the man that he has looked up to all these years fall for such a meager excuse of a being. 

That had to be it, Ric mused, it was the only reasonable explanation.  Ric knew then that he had to do something.  Being his faithful servant, there had to be something that he could do in order to help his Master before he took that sniveling witch as his life partner.

Turning on his heels, Ric rushed up the steps.  He had an idea but he needed to make a few calls to see if he could pull it together.  His master needed him now more than ever and he would not fail him.  Not this time, not with with his reputation on the line.  He would save Leo and his family the disgrace that the puny human would surely bring, somehow he would find a way.

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ