Chapter 9

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It felt like minutes or even hours that Lucas and Maya stood under the tree kissing. Maya had her eyes still closed and Lucas's hands were in Maya's hair and other hand gently placed around her waist. Finally Maya opened her eyes and Lucas slowly pulled back. They were now face to face. Maya gave him a warm smile which he returned. They didn't know what to say to this situations. This was the last thing that they expected to happen. 

"What just happened?" Lucas finally broke the silence. "That was amazing but was it meant to happen? What does this mean?"

"I don't know but we will never speak if this. Never tell anyone or speak to each other about this. This was a spur of the moment thing and doesn't really mean anything," replied Maya. She started to walk away from Lucas. Even though she tried to not think about it, she couldn't and she realised that she had a smile on her face. Did she enjoy that kiss?

The rest of the way they walked in silence. Lucas also couldn't stop thinking about it . He wanted to know what that was but wasn't sure if Maya wanted to talk. Finally they arrived at the camp. Once their they made their way to where Riley, Zay and Farkle were now seating after completing the puzzle. Riley waved to them as she saw them approaching. 

"So, did you guys finish the puzzle?"asked Maya taking a seat next to Zay. 

"Yeah, few minutes ago. Man that was hard," replied Zay. He passed Maya the clue that they had received from the task and Maya passed him the clue that they had gathered. 

"So now we have to work out what this two clues mean and what our challenge for tomorrow will be." 

Riley noticed that Maya and Lucas were avoiding each other as they all tried to figure out what the clues meant. She also noticed that Maya was acting a little different. She was hiding something and so was Lucas. 

After trying to work on the clues for a while, they gave up as they were starting to feel hungry. They made their way towards the camp where they saw lunch had been served. Riley stopped Maya in her path as the boys made their way to eat. 

"Maya is everything ok?"asked Riley. 

"You are asking me that. I have been trying to aske you this since last night but you kept ignoring it. I know you like Lucas and what I said about you seeing him as a brother was completely wrong. I must have been mistaken and I can't control the way you feel. It's killing me not having you tell me how you feel."

"Maya I'm a little hurt that you kept this from me. But I also know that it must have been hard keeping this. I know you have been fighting with yourself about how to tell me and how guilty you felt keeping it. You cared about me too much and you didn't want to hurt me. I love you for this but I'm fine. It was hard to hear but I think I will need time to figure out if this all is true or it was just a misunderstanding."

"Hearing this guilt rose inside Maya. She felt really bad about earlier. She knew that her best friend liked Lucas yet in the moment she let her guard down and kissed him. How was she going to tell Riley this. She knew Riley and this would crush her. In that moment she may just have ruined her years of friendship. 

"Maya, now tell me if everything is okay with you and Lucas." Hearing his name Maya was quickly brought back. 

"Yes, you know Huckleberry. He just lost the canoe and we had to walk back. That just made me mad. But all good. 

"Good," smiled Riley as she rushed up to join the boys who had already loaded up their plates. Maya followed. She gathered up her plate and filled it with the BBQ, corn, potato salad, bread. As she made her way to sit, she was blocked by Zay. She stood there with a smile on his face. 

"What?" Asked Maya. 

"I know something happened. You and Lucas haven't spoken to each other and I know how hard it is for you not to make fun of him. I mean come on no cowboy jokes and look what is for lunch." 

"I'm... Just not in the mood."

"Come on Maya something else is going on. I know we aren't close but I'm still your friend and I believe that we can be close if you trust me enough."

Maya was unsure about ever telling anyone about this. But would it make her feel better if she told someone. Or would it make things even more complicated. But things were really getting complicated already and now the kiss. This was going to change everything and she couldn't stop it. She wanted for Things to go back to normal. Zay stood there with a supportive look on his face. She was fighting with herself to tell him the truth or not. 

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