Chapter 5

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As warned by Corey, the kids were woken up early in the morning. However, the "main events" weren't starting till 8, they were advised to have breakfast and be ready. (To this Farkle was happy while Maya dreaded for the days events. 

Sine they had time, the gang had breakfast and sat near the lake. "So what do you reckon your father has cooked up for us? asked Farkle. 

"Don't know but he seems really excited, must be something big. I mean you know how happy he gets when it comes to life lessons and all."

The group were talking when they heard a loud bell. This was a single for all the students, from all the different schools to gather up. When they all eveually  came to where they have last time made a fire and talked. All the teachers were gathered and each of them had a coloured shirt on on which there was a name. The also  the coloured flag that went it the colour of their shirt.

"Gather around," said one of the teachers. He was tall and had a deep voice. He was large but still had plenty of musule. "My name is Johnathan Millers and I run the camping programs for schools. Schools want to organise a camping trip here and it is my job to make their trip educational and fun at the same time. I believe that all these teachers here wanted to all to learn something but in a different way so I have organised a game tournament between your schools."

"Oh great," said Farkle and Maya in Union. Maya was sarcastic because this meant that she couldn't take this lightly while Farkle just liked to take part In educational competitions just so he could show off how smart he was. 

"So you are to work in group of 5 to 6, within your schools. Then you will be given an envelope in which you will find a list of tasks that you have to complete. Which team is able to complete this list of tasks first will win points for the school. At the end of your trip the highest scoring school wins this trophy." As he announced this, he pulled the cover and there on a table stood a large trophy.

"Ok, gather around," called Corey to his students. We will be given 2 minutes to choose our teams so let's go."

Naturally, Lucas, Farkle, Zay, Maya and Riley became one team. The gathered around Corey as he handed out the envelopes that held the tasks. "Good luck guys," he wished them. 

Zay opened the envelope and read out the tasks that they had to complete. 

- gather wood from next to the old historian building. (This building had many interesting facts)

- make a raft that can successfully take two members of your team to the other side of the lake

- gather and record facts about 3 of the historical landmarks 

- find three plants that are rare to find And also can be used as medicine

"Ok, so this sounds ok. Do you wanted start from where?" 

"Let's do the 3 historical landmarks. It should be easy," said Farkle

 As Farkle had suggested, the group walked around and found the 3 historical landmarks. Then they collected the wood. They took a quick lunch break before  they made their way to the lake where they found 3 teachers stationed. They were in charge of keeping an eye on the students as the worked  on their raft. 

It took a while but the group finally came to a decision and started to build. After working on it for more than 2 hours, the group stepped back and looked at the completed work. It looked like a raft, floated like it was supposed to but the question that they had to now test was, if it could carry two memers of the team across. 

"So who should test this out?" Asked Zay.

"I think it should be someone light and someone that can balance out the weight on the raft," suggested Farkle.

"Maybe you and Maya should test it," answered Lucas. "No offense but Farkle you seem lighter than us and Maya  can balance out with you." 

"Fine, but if he takes advantage of this trip, I will sink him."

With support Maya stepped into the raft. It was a little unstable and rocked when Farkle tried to enter. Every time Farkle tried to enter the raft shook and nearly tipped over. 

"Maybe Riley and Maya should go?" Suggested Zay. However the issue stayed the same. Both were unable to stay on without the raft tipping over. 

Maya stepped off the raft and at the end it came to Farkle and Riley. As they both got on, the raft rocked but didn't tip over. Lucas quickly brought forward the paddles which they had to use to the other side. They took off leaving Zay, Maya and Lucas behind. They watched as the small raft slowly sailed away to the other side. 

Suddenly, the raft was shaken by strong waves. Unable to hold onto the route that they were to follow, Lucas, Zay and Maya could see the raft begin to drift in the opposite direction and away from the bank of the other side of the lake. The were on just drifting down the lake. 

The three were stationed where they stood as shock took over. It was a voice from the back that made them jump out of their state. It was one of the teachers stationed at the site. "Where are they going?" She asked. 

Finally finding her voice, Maya replied. "They are being drifted. There were strong waves and they couldn't hold on. They would be going down the bank and maybe we can catch up with them."

"The water gets shallow as it goes down that way and it collects into a pool. They should be ok as long as they continue going in that direction," adviced the teacher. 

Knowing that this was a relief, Maya, Lucas and Zay relaxed. All they had to do was hope that the raft stayed on same course and end up at the pool. "Let's just follow that trail and meet them up at the pool." 

"We only have one more task to complete, why don't we collect the leaves as well on our way there,"suggested Lucas.

"Ok look, huckleberry thinking outside the box. If we complete this then we may have a chance to win."

The three of them gathered their things and started to make their way towards which Riley and Farkle were now drifting. 

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