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Uggh. That is the perfect way to express how I feel. I have had no time at all to work on this so it may take me a while to update the next part. I had a huge math project (that wasn't even math) that I was so stressed about I couldn't stop shaking and I was in tears. Plus I have to write an essay tomorrow. And I have a ton of band crap that I have to worry about... Today was the first day in a while that I had no homework/school work to finish so I started working on a new part. Well, just thought I'd say this so people don't get as pissed off / _ \
OH. And there will be a huge time skip in the next part (gonna be 19...probably... Hate to say, but it may turn into a lemon. Tell me if I should make it a lemon or not. I know I said no lemons, but I don't care anymore. :/   )

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