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EDIT: hey babycakes', i'm rewriting this shit as it is *haunting my memories*. big changes to come; sorry if any new readers get confused part way in. will add a note at the top of each chapter to say when the last edit was.
DEC. 2020. END EDIT.

hello you sinful bastards i would just like to apologize for whatever cringy stuff you're about to read because i wrote this during my prime weaboo phase 4-5 years ago. just know i'm a changed person at this point in time LMAO.
NOV. 2020. END EDIT.

Well, I have no idea what I'm doing right here, right now, but this is something that I have wanted to write for a while now. I'm planning on this to be a shorter story but you never know what will happen with this. Requests are open for other stories. Just one thing, no lemons. ;-;
Well, here goes nothing... c. 2016.

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