Just the way things are

Start from the beginning

Slipping the photo in his pocket, Nightwing started to walk out.

"Oh and Nightwing."

Turning around to glare, he asked. "What?"

"I don't need her alive." He tossed a now familiar device into Nightwing's hands.

Sighing, Nightwing slipped the gun into his belt and left. How had he come this low? He was a mercenary, a killer, a criminal! But nobody knew that. And the ones that did, ended up dead. He had stooped so low...and all in the name of keeping Bludhaven safe. Was he really?

He remembered it clearly. The day this all went down.


"Why did you call me here?" Slade had called him to the docks in the middle of the night. He also promised not to beat him to death. And so out of curiosity, he came.

"I want to make a deal with you." Slade answered causally.

"What kind of deal?" There was no way he was going to except whatever deal Slade had, but it was worth hearing out.

"I'm kinda surprised you didn't call the Titans, or have the whole JCPD here. After I beat you half to death." Slade stalled.

"Stop playing games Slade. What do you want." Nightwing crossed his arms.

"I just bought half of Rory tec. Yes the company in Bludhaven. The other half is owned by Miss Jane Rory." Slade told him causally.

"So...what?" They let him buy a company?!

"I plan to move to Bludhaven. And I know you do to. This was a merely a coincidence I assure you. I'm not interested in terrorizing Bludhaven and taking it over, I'm more interested in the company. For now. But if you want it to stay that way...you see, I'm going to need some, Help. With taking control over Bludhaven. And I'm sure you don't want me dropping any bodies along the way..."

"How did you pull off buying that company? I am going to have you arrested-"

"Not so fast. You forget I have a secret identity." Slade cut him off.

Remembering this, Nightwing glared at him. "Not for long! I could figure out you who are by seeing who bought Rory tec!"

"You have no proof I was the one behind the mask. And you won't get any. I'm good at covering my tracks." Slade replied smugly. The tension in the air was laid on thick.

"So what? Your going to blackmail me again?!" Nightwing crossed his arms.

"You could say that. And I might just stop going after your former friends and family back in Gotham. So do we have a deal?" Slade held out his hand.

Nightwing turned away and closed his eyes. This couldn't be happening. Rory tec was the biggest company in Bludhaven. If you controlled that company, you controlled the whole city. Slade could destroy the city without even blinking.

And he's been going after his family? Jason and Alfred were probably the only people who didn't hate his guts.

Without looking at Slade, Nightwing slowly raised his hand to meet Slade's.


Nightwing shook himself out of this remembrance and focused on breaking into the building to kill the woman in the picture. Slade said he wouldn't drop any bodies...he lied. But what could you expect from Slade? But more people would've died if it wasn't for Nightwing.

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