19 - Last Day

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Kelly's P.O.V.

"Kelly, Liam, Cole, mother, may I present you Jordan. My husband." Jesse says, gesturing to the super handsome man next to him.

"Aw, it is so nice to finally meet you," mom says, tears forming in her eyes and she hugs Jordan very tightly.

"It's so nice to finally meet the person who conquered my brother's heart," I too hug Jordan and give a huge smile.

"Nice to meet you," Liam says and shakes Jordan's hand.

"So you're my uncle?" Cole asks, looking at Jordan up and down.

"It seems that I am," he smiles at Cole.

"You're going to have to buy me gifts you know that,"


"I'll be happy to." Jordan chuckles.

"You have to tell me how you guys met!" Mom says excitedly and drags Jordan and Jesse to the living room, with Cole following their tail.

"He seems like a guy," I say to Liam once we're alone.

"He does," Liam steps closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist. I sigh and lean into him putting my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest.

"We leave tomorrow," I sigh.

"Yeah... my dad called," he says awkwardly.

"What happened?"

"He wants me to marry Mona Titan." I force myself to pull away from him and look into his eyes.


"I refused but if I don't a billion dollars go to waste, it's a huge opportunity for us," he pulls me closer to him again and forces me to put my head back into his chest.

"I don't want you to marry her," I whine.

My feelings for Liam are developing even more and he has become an important part of my life. Just when things could be leading to something he takes ten huge steps back.

"Isn't there any other way?"

"No, I'm sorry. It's just for a while, I won't stay married to her," he assures me.

"What if you start having feelings for her and not for me?"

"That would never happen, Kelly,'' he says stroking my hair with his soft fingers.

"What happens between us?" I whisper.

"You'll still be there for me and I'll still be there for you,"

"I still don't approve,"

"I know," and then he kisses me. Our mouths colliding together and I feel at home.

That night I decide to talk to my mom about something I've been thinking for the past few days. So, I ask her to come sit with me while everyone is upstairs getting ready to go to sleep. We're leaving tomorrow and I know that if I don't ask her I'll regret it.

"What is it dear?"

"Mom, I know we didn't talk to each other for seven years for stupid reasons and I regret not contacting you sooner," I say honestly.

"I know dear, I should have not sided with your father, it's my fault too," she reaches and hold both pf my hands.

"But I don't want to leave without you, I want to keep seeing you every day. I want you to be every day for Cole and me,"

Another reason is that I didn't want her to live alone. She used to live with father and it was something I didn't have to worry about because father loved mom and he would do anything to protect her. Bus now he wasn't here and someone needed to take care of mom.

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