18 - Anishit

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Kelly's P.O.V.

"Mom, when are we going back to New York?" Cole asks me.

"In two days, Cole," I reply and signal him to come with my downstairs.

"Are we ever going to come back?" he asks once again.

"Maybe," I shrug.

I actually have other plans, one that involves seeing my mother every day but I still had to talk to her about it.

We reach the kitchen and we find Jesse, Liam, and my mother already having breakfast.

"Good morning," Cole and I say in unison and they turn to look at us.

"Morning, dearies," Mom says and comes over to hug us.

"Sorry for not waiting for you to eat breakfast, you both take a long time getting ready." She says and sits back down.

"Tell that to her," Cole mutters and I playfully smack the back of his head.

Yes, I seem to do that a lot.

I serve Cole and I some pancakes with milk and soon we're all eating together.

"So, what are we doing today?" Liam asks, stuffing more pancakes into his mouth.

"Actually in an hour I have to go to church, you guys could come if you want," Mom says.

"Isn't church only on Sundays?" Liam asks and raises an eyebrow.

"This is a very religious town in Oklahoma, Liam, there's church every day," Jesse says.

That is very much true, this is the most religious town you could walk into. Everyone here is catholic and if you're not, then you're a demon that Satan sent from hell.

I don't think there's anything wrong with not being Catholic at all or not being a religious person at all, but people here do care... a lot.

We used to go to church every day after school, but now I'm not so religious at all. Sure, I believe there's a god looking down at us but I don't go to church every day anymore.

There's science and then there's god.

Jesse and I look at each other and grimace at the thought of going back to that church.

"We can't," Jesse and I say at the same time.

"Why is that?" she asks with narrowed eyes. "Do you not believe in god anymore?"

"Of course we do... we just have other stuff to do," Jesse lies. We have nothing to do.

"What is that?"

"We're actually going to visit the old high school, you know, try to reconnect with old friends," he lies again and my eyes widen to the size of a soccer ball.

"Well, that is actually a great idea," Mom says excitedly.

"It is," I fake smile at her and glare at Jesse.

I'm not going back to high school.

"I could drop you guys off, seeing that you don't have a car and I do," Mom says.


We quickly finish eating and everyone retreats to their rooms but I quickly follow Jesse to his.

"I'm not going back there, Jesse." I hiss at him while we both enter his room.

"It's worse going to that church,"

"You know high school was a really bad experience for me, I don't want to see any of those people,"

"Just because you got bullied around because you had a weird obsession with anime, that is the pas, Kelly,"

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