3 - First Meeting

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Kelly's P.O.V.

"Here it is, just how you like it," I tell Liam, while I place his coffee on his desk.

"Thanks, Kel" he says and smiles at me, he takes a sip and makes an approving sound. "There's a meeting today, like in 5 minutes and I need you to come with me so you can take notes,"

"Sure, I'll go get the stuff I need," I say, excusing myself.

It's been over a week since I started working here, things have been pretty easy, I don't really have a lot to do, which leaves me bored for a long time, but I'm not about to start to complain.

Things with Liam are better now, I don't remember that every time I see him, which is good, I just want to get over that.

Its been two years, you should be over it.

I've had one-night stands before, what made that one so special?

Him, My coinciensce answered.


Once I get to my office I get the things I need and go back to Liam's office.

"I'm ready," I told him. He stands up from his seat and we march together to the conference room.

"This one is going to be boring," Liam says.

"Why do you think so?" I ask. Truth is, this was my first meeting while working here so I have no idea of who is going to be there or what I should do.

''One thing you should know, is that the meetings are always boring, guys here are way too professional,"

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask confused.

"Sure, but its boring though," he shrugs and I nod.

"I'm always trying to make then laugh, I'm a funny man, Kelly, I don't think they even know the definition of fun," he chuckles and I laugh.

We reach the conference room, once we enter I see that a lot of people were here already, if not, all of them were here. Great, we're late.

Liam sits down at the head of the table, me next to him, and the meeting starts.

There was only one way to describe this meeting.


The first minute we start the meeting, all they seem to talk about was the new product about to come, which I know nothing about. In starting to wonder why I didn't do research on this.

I'm also tired, Liam told me to take notes, every important thing, and I'm taking them, but with all this talking nonstop I was writing a lot of things that I think were important, my hand already hurt, man.

I'm also mad and irritated, now I know why Liam told me to take notes on every important thing, he fell asleep.

30 minutes into the meeting and he was asleep, leaving me alone to aking notes so he could review them later. Why me? I groan silently. Its been over 1 hour, when is this going to end?

The people here didn't mind, its like if this was a normal thing, I sure hope not.

Back at my old company I didn't have to go meetings like this, now I have to, but the pay here is good, way more better than back there. I'll just have to suck it up and adjust.

Most of the guys here were old, like in their fifties, the rest didn't look too young, in fact, I think Liam was the youngest here, and I don't know, Liam is like what, 27 maybe.

''The meeting has concluded,'' One of the guys in a very expensive suit says, standing up. Soon enough, everyone was out of the conference room uh until Liam and me were the only ones here.

I sigh and stand up to wake Liam up.

''Liam, Liam, wake up,'' I say, shaking his shoulders.

''LIAM!,'' Why wasn't he waking up? He must be a deep sleeper. I shrug and grab the bottle of water from the table.

''What the hell?!'' he screams jumping from his seat once I throw the water in his face.

I force myself to not laugh and answer him. ''Well I tried waking you up but you wouldn't so I poured water down your face,'' I say.

''Ugh, I'm sorry I fell asleep in your first meeting, I didn't really sleep well,''

''Its okay,''

After that we go out of the conference room and into Liam's office.

''So, how's Cole?'' Liam asks on the way to his office.

''He's good, you know, always getting in trouble with Mia,'' I say chuckling.

''Those kids, they say they hate each other but they secretly love each other,''

''True, we're going to the park this Saturday, you should come,''

''Maybe I will. Email me the details,'' he says and gives me a tight smile.

''Cool,'' I return his smile.

Once we get to his office I don't expect to find is an old guy sitting in Liam's seat, I noticed that he was one of the people in the meeting, and very Liam alike.

''Liam,'' the guy says.

''Father,'' Liam says smiling at him. My eyes widen, he is Liam's father, the previous CEO, holy crap.

''You fell asleep today, in a very important meeting, you can't keep doing that,''

''I'm sorry?'' Liam replies, but it sounds more like a question.

''We need to talk... privately'' Mr. Matthews said turning - for the first time, rude - to look at me at the last word.

I feel my cheeks heat up. ''Yeah, I'm just... gonna... go... yeah,''

I exit his office and go to mine. I email him the address of the park and the time.

Later that day, as I'm getting ready to go home, a knock sounded from the door.

''Come in,'' I say and to my surprise Liam was the one at the door.

''Ready?'' he asks me.

''Ready for what?'' I ask, frowning.

''I'm taking you home,''


''I want see Cole,'' he said shrugging.

''What about my car, how will I come to work tomorrow?'' I ask, lifting my eyebrows.

''I'll go to your house tomorrow and we will come together,'' He suggests.

''Fine'' I give up, knowing he won't give up.

Liam to the side >>

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