Giving her a very unimpressed look, he replied "So?".

Nefertiti looked like she was near giving him a slap when she replied "It means triple the wages and the power to boss even Thabit around...with the prince's permission of course," she replied with a look of power hunger on her face.

He chuckled as he wondered the horrors that would befall Thabit if the prince chooses her.

His best friend was quite the beauty; light brown eyes with a chocolate skin that shone when she came out to work in the sun, of course the prince would choose her.

After spending almost all his life living on the palace grounds, he still didn't understand why everybody seemed to worship the very dirt the prince walked on, his beloved agreed with him on that subject.

He remembered when he first let it slip from his lips his dislike for the prince, Khal had laughed at him and said of how he also thought the same.

Milah always wondered how it was possible to have fallen in love at that age with a boy whose first words to Milah was that his blue eyes were beautiful.

He remembered being ashamed of his eyes when he was little and still was, he does not know of an Egyptian with blue eyes so it made him feel alien.

Khal was such a beautiful boy that Milah was sure that when they grew up to become men, he would be incredibly handsome.

He hated thinking this way but what if Khal returns and doesn't want him anymore after finding out that he had defiled himself.

He hated himself enough for it, he didn't think he could handle the love of his life hating him for it too, he did what he had to do to survive.

He just had to do it, he had no choice in the matter "Milah, are you alright?" he heard Nefertiti ask bring him out of his thoughts.

Looking around to see the slave quarters empty he turned to his friend with eyes of question "We should get to work" she said standing up and motioning for him to follow.

"Ah, the queen finally arrives we can now go forth and sow our seeds" he heard Odji say but chose to ignore him instead, hating the fact that Thabit had made him come back to working on the fields.

They had been working in silence, picking up weeds from the palace farm for longer than he expected when Odji said "Don't stress that body too much, you'll need all the energy for the celebration".

Milah tensed as his breath stilled for a second or so.

"I'll take your advice" he replied politely as he was aware that many other people were working on the fields with them and any fight would land him fifteen lashes of cane even if he was in the right.

"I can't believe Thabit lets you work" Milah frowned as he continued to pull the weeds out of the ground. "I mean he...cares about you, right?" he heard Odji say with a sly tone.

Turning to look at the short man Milah asked "What do you mean?".

Odji laughed at him mockingly before he replied "What I meant was that-" a guard walked up to them interrupting Odji's sentence.

"The king has ordered that you all go to Ra's temple with the offerings and pray for the prince's safe return" the guard relayed to them, his armor glinting in the sun.

Sighing Milah dropped the useless plants from his hands and stood up from his place.

The argument with Odji forgotten as he made his way to the palace to collect the offerings that Thabit was handing out to the other slaves.

Over The Nile (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now