The Last Author's Note

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  First of all, let me just say thank you to everyone who has given me support for this story. Every time I get a notification that someone has voted or commented on this story it makes me smile. Special shout out to ilovepeas WriteMirage and Lucy_J_Carlyle for being the people who commented the most on this story.

This story has gotten more love than I thought it would. At the time I'm writing this, this story has about 3,500 views! That's insane! When I started writing this book, I planned on never leaving any author's notes to make it seem like a real book. However, when I saw the amount of people who liked this story, I started to interact with everyone. I think it's nice as an author to be able to interact with your readers. That's how I've really gotten hooked on Wattpad.

  Anyways, this was the first fanfiction I've ever written, and this will be the first time I've ever gotten to mark a story as complete. However, it may not be complete yet. Do you guys want me to write an epilogue? I never planned on writing one, but seeing as this story is pretty short I might do one. I'm not sure what it would be about, but if you have an idea please let me know.

  One last little thing, I'm about to start writing a Lockwood and Co. Fanfiction that will take place after The Hollow Boy. I'm planning on  writing it on paper and finishing it before I start releasing chapters on Wattpad. I believe the title will be After I Left (A Lockwood and Co. Fanfiction), so look for that story in a few weeks.

Signing out for the last time,


(Oh and did anyone notice that Lucy visited her hometown in The Hollow Boy? I knew she was going to visit her family! I just knew she would have to because she hadn't visited them in a year and a half! Maybe I'm psychic? If I'm psychic, I may be able to see ghosts! Woohoo! Someone's going ghost hunting tonight!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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