Chapter 1

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Lucy's pov

Beep beep beep! The alarm clock beside my bed continued to annoyingly go off as I fumbled around with its stupid buttons. Why did I set it anyway? Did George set it as some kind of annoying prank? Ugh, I'm going to murder that boy! Wait... hang on. I suddenly remembered why I made myself get up at 9:30. I needed to ask Lockwood something.

I slowly trudged out of my room and made my way to the stairs, wincing at my stiff arms. Lockwood and I had battled a nasty Raw-bones last night, before we "had done sufficient research". At least we had escaped with few injuries, which Lockwood and I both agreed was a definite plus. I would guess that Lockwood is a good mood this morning because for once we had successfully eradicated the ghost without ingeniously screwing up. We earned a fair amount of money as well.

As I made my way down to the first level, I couldn't help but feel my eyes drawn to the once forbidden room. I still can't believe that-

Crash! I suddenly tripped over some random books that George had helpfully left lying in the middle of the floor. From below, George shouted, "Lucy? Is that you?" Groaning, I picked myself up from the musty floor. Perhaps murdering that idiot wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Bloody hell, George! I could've fallen down the steps and broken my neck! Ugh, you stupid idiot!" As it was, I had only landed a few feet from the edge of the stairs.

"Well, sorry." Sorry? Sorry? That was all he could say? I thundered down the steps and ran into the kitchen, prepared to give him a piece of my mind. And you know what? The stupid jerk was reading his comic book. His comic book! In one swift step I crossed the room and threw his precious book on the floor.

"What the hell was that for Lucy?" he yelled.

"For being an inconsiderate jerk, that's what it's for!" I basically screamed back. I was fuming, and a bunch of pent-up rage was about to be unleashed. I grabbed a random saucepan and prepared to hurl it at his stupid fat face.

"Come on now, let's not have another saucepan fight. Want an english muffin, Luce?" That was Lockwood. He was always the calm, considerate one whilst George and I were ready to fight over anything. I rounded on him, prepared to shout at him too, but he was using that stupid, charming smile of his. I sighed.

"Well, I guess. Right now, I think I'm too tired to keep shouting. But mark my words, we'll continue this later, George."

After the first few bites, I seemed to notice George smirking at Lockwood. They seemed to be doing that a lot, and I still haven't figured out why. Maybe it's some stupid boy thing. I don't care, as long as it doesn't concern me.

"Say Lockwood, do we have any cases the next few days?" I asked. It was time for me to ask the question that made me get up at the ungodly hour, well at least for me, of 9:30. I'd better do this carefully.

"No, why? Were you planning on doing anything?" he asked.

"Can I take the next few days off?" I blurted out.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, you see, I was planning on going back home." I avoided his eyes. "You see, my sister Mary just sent me this letter. My mother has died."

"Oh Luce, that's awful. Are you feeling ok?" He asked concernedly.

"I'm fine. Anyway, it isn't really awful. She wasn't exactly the nicest person. It gives me an excuse to visit my sisters, anyhow."

"Wow, Lucy you're such a nice person. I'm amazed by how much sadness you're showing right now." George said snarkily.

"Yeah, well at least I don't take bubble baths with ghosts." I retorted.

Lockwood ignored George. "Of course you can go, Lucy. Do you want George and I to come with you?"

"No thanks, this is something I'd rather do alone. I wouldn't want to travel with George anyway." I said. "Well, I'd better get packing. I guess I'll see you all in a few days."

"Now when exactly will you be coming back?" Lockwood asked.

"Oh, I'd say the 14th."

And that is how I found myself on the train back home.

Lucy's Day Off (A Lockwood and Co. Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt