Chapter 3

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Lockwood's pov
The house was quiet. It was just another peaceful morning at 35 Portland Row. Too peaceful. Everything was peaceful here without Luce, but he hated it that she was gone. She was off rediscovering her old life with all of her old friends. New friends not invited.
He really wished she had let him go with her. After all, it would have been a great opportunity to spend some time with her when they were not fighting ghosts. But it was all George's fault. If Luce didn't consider George to be an inconsiderate jerk-face (as she repeatedly said), then maybe they would have gotten to go with her. But no, she was probably off relaxing and enjoying her peaceful, most likely ghost-free, hometown. Without him.
Ok, maybe he was overreacting. But he really liked Lucy. He liked her even more than what he had admitted to George. In fact, George had told him yesterday that he was obsessed with Lucy. George said, "Wow, you must really like Lucy. You let her go off on a three day vacation when we actually have cases planned. You must be obsessed. You didn't let me go off on a one day vacation when we didn't have any cases planned."
He had only realized his feelings for Lucy at Combe Carey. When he had seen her about to jump into the well, it was more than he could bear. She was so strong, yet so innocent. She was beautiful, yet insecure. She could be as hard as iron, yet as soft as a pillow if she wanted to. That was why he liked her. No; he loved her.
Of course, he had been meaning to tell her this for a while. But he never seemed to find the right time. It distracted him at times; he'd daydream about asking her out, yet his plans never came to fruition. It would happen at the worst times, too; when he was fighting a ghost, or talking to a client, or practicing with his rapier. He sighed. He was daydreaming now, too; he was eating breakfast with George in the kitchen and thinking about Luce.
George looked at him and said, "Lockwood, you need to stop moping about. Even Lucy is going to notice you. Well, I have a plan. You know what day Lucy comes back, right?"
"Er, Friday?" I asked.
"No, you idiot, she said the 14th!"
"So? Same thing," I said.
"God, stop being so thick, Lockwood! February the 14th! Valentines Day!" George cried.
"Oh right. So what are we going to do? You know that Luce doesn't care for Valentines Day," I said.
"We'll come up with something," George said.
So that was how George and I planned on surprising Luce.

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