Stiles imagine part 3

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The next day after school, Lydia takes me out shopping. I brought a lot of money, just incase everything I do get is expensive.
"You need a new bra," she says looking at me.
I look at her surprised
"I'm smart and I know my style, I just have to help you find yours,"
I nod and walk out of the store with 3 new bras and a pack of undies. We then walk into a store and Lydia helps me pick out some dresses and skirts and shirts. We pick out the best 10 outfits (as I said I bought a lot of money). We then get 3 high heels because apparently I can walk well in them and 2 flats. I also get a pair of new converse. We then sit down and start talking, play a game pointing out all the cute guys and Lydia had to go up and start talking to them. She walks back with a phone number every single time.
"Lydia what do you do to make a boy like you,"
"First you have to see if he's interested in you.." She then goes on about all this other stuff.
"But if he likes you enough, then you should just be yourself," I nod and stare at my food. "Thank you so much for helping me with my clothes," I say gratefully,
"She smiles and looks at the clothes that she got herself,"
"We should probably start studying," after 3 hours we have finished everything that we didn't do yesterday.
"So where did you get the nickname banshee?" I try to ask casually but my insides but my brain is screaming for that information,"
"One day, after junior prom, it stuck and I don't know how to get rid of the name, because it seriously stuck," I nod, trying not to look deep in thought. Lydia drives me home and I greet my parents and have dinner. I tell them about the friends that I've made and I walk upstairs and look up what a banshee is. Heaps of websites come up and I dont know what to believe so I decide to look closely at Scott and Liam. I look up Alpha and it comes up with the Greek alphabet but when I scroll down, it says the leader of a pack. What pack?

The next day I wear what Lydia helped me pick out yesterday, I actually tried to look nice, I straightened my wavy hair and am wearing a white laced top with a belt and a dark blue skirt with short black boots. As I walk over to my new group of friends, Scott, Liam, mason and stiles eyes widen and I try to hide my smile.
"Wow," stiles says, "you look different, did you..." He try's to motion his hand pointing at me but then just awkwardly puts it behind his neck.
I start walking with everyone and the fire alarm turns on I look around and see Scott, Liam and Malia go down on their knees, with their hands over their ears. I see Theo and another couple of people go down with their hands over their ears as well and I look between them. Stiles looks at me and drags me outside.
"Why were they doing that?" I ask
Stiles doesn't answer he looks at me with a worried face.
"Y/n, I don't think we can spend time with you anymore," I look down. Oh. I nod and walk away. Stiles pulls me back in his arms and hugs me. I then walk away, but this time I don't bother looking back. I walk across the road, not looking both ways and almost get hit by a car but Scott jumps in front of me and pulled me back. I hear a definite crack and I squint my eyes. I run to Scott.
"I need to get an ambulance," I say to him, my hands shaking.
"No it's ok, really," he says smiling and getting up slowly. I look behind me and see all of his friends looking at him. They don't look shocked at all.
"Thanks for saving my life, how did you get here so fast?," I ask
"I ran after you," Scott says
"Well, thank you,"' I say and look at Stiles, I then turn around to leave but Stiles catches up to me.
"Y/n, do you want me to drive you home?" He asks me
"I thought you couldn't hang out with me," I say looking at his hands
"I can break that rule once," he says smiling
"Since when was it a rule?" I ask
"Y/n it's for just a bit," he says
I nod and walk to his jeep with him. The drive home is silent, no word gets past my mouth even though I want to talk to him. But I'm scared that he will know what I'm trying to work out and get the idea. I thank him for the ride and he smiles and drives away.
I study and then look up super hearing and healing fast and great reflexes up on the Internet and they all lead to werewolf's. I then look up a werewolf pack and it consists of three things. Beta. Omega. Alfa. No. It can't be. There's a pack of werewolf's in town.

I walk my way through the hall, I see Scott walking with Stiles. I grab Scott and push him lightly against the lockers. I whisper in his ear, "I know what you are,"
He looks at me surprised "I didn't know you would have figured it out already,"
"Well I did," I say
"Stiles thought that you would figure it out fast," I look over at stiles and he's smiling
"I'm sorry," I say stepping away from Scott "I probably over reacted a bit,"
"Don't worry, we've seen worse," Scott smiles
"Can you tell me more about you and everyone else?" I ask
"We can trust her," Stiles says nodding at me.
"Ok," says Scott, "we can go to my house after school," i nod and walk with stiles to my next class.
"Can I hang out with you guys now?" I ask
"Oh course you can," stiles says "I was just trying to protect you,"
"How are all of you guys still alive?"
"Where not," he whispers, there's pain in his voice.
"Who's died?"
"I'd rather not talk about it now," he whispers again looking at the ground
"Sorry," I whisper
"A lot of people died," he looks at me "I lost one of my best friends, Allison, I think you would have liked her," he smiles at me
I smile and we get into the class room. We sit next to each other and as the teacher announces a new project with a partner we both look at each other. We have to go to 2 different landmarks within the state and write a report about each one of them.

After school, we all go to Scotts house. I ask everyone what they are and the only humans are stiles and mason, but masons not really part of the pack, he just tagged along with Liam because he had nothing better to do apparently. I listen to all of there stories and how they got bitten and who died, they asked for questions.
"Can I get the bite?" I ask Scott
"It could kill you," Scott explains
"But Scott, I know it won't, I can get through it, I promise," Scott shakes his head, it's definitely a no.
"Don't you want to be a human like me?" Stiles says

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