13 Q Tag Thing

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**If I tagged you, #1, at least read my questions and #2, you can answer them in a comment if you want idgas, idgaf.

I've been tagged twice today and I feel like an ass for not doing the tags I've received previously, so I'll just do these then...

I was tagged by 20045l and nicecupoftae for the 13 tag thingy

(13 facts about yourself and then answer 13 questions and then leave 13 questions for 13 tagged people.)

13 facts:
1. I want to jump off a cliff because it sounds fun (except the dying part)
2. My favourite animal is horses.... (that includes J-Horse)
3. I can freestyle rap.
4. I read the twilight series in less than 24 hours.
5. 24 is my favourite number.
6. I can speak whale.
7. My nose is always moist (yes, moist) on the outside.
8. I have a better sense of smell than the average person, but my vision is shit.
9. I'm practically part dog. (I think it's because I ate dog food and chewed on dog bones when I was younger)
10. Science is fucking cool.
11. I hate Math, but it's my favourite subject.
12. I'M SO OLD. (17... 19 in Korea tho lmao)
13 I fucking hate odd numbers.

20045l's questions:

1. If you listen to K-pop, favourite group and who is your bias?
Big Bang & G-Dragon

2. If the above applies, who is your bias wrecker?
Nobody in Big Bang wrecks my bias, sorry.

3. Name a song that you can relate to the most.
This isn't a question... ;)
Loser - Big Bang

4. What is more important, pride or money?
Aish, that's a good question... I can't decide.

5. What is a pet peeve?
When people use "...for the nth time..." 'nth' isn't even a freaking word. Just put the number of times or something, not 'nth.' That's so freaking lazy. Ugh.

6. If I liked you, what do I have to do to please you and/or get your attention?
pleasing me sounds perverted (I'm sorry, got smut on the mind~), as for getting my attention... whale call.

7. Would you rather lose your sight or lose your hearing for the rest of your life?
Ugh.. my sight (I have to learn Korean first tho)

8. Why are you so beautiful? (rhetorical)
... because BTS said so.

9. Name 5 good things about yourself.
Again, not a question.
Everything bc I'm the definition of perfection.

10. If you could aquire or learn any life skill, what would it be?
Decision Making

11. Most played/favourite song?
Well, my phone says my most played song is J-Hope's 1 VERSE

12. Can you cook? If yes what is your best dish?
Ramen :')

13. Morning or night person?

nicecupoftae's questions (which aren't actually their questions...):

1. Favourite song?
This is a bullshit question. There's too many. -_-

2. Dancing or Singing?
I like both, but I have a passion for dance

3. Biggest fear?
Wasps (I've actually been diagnosed with the phobia -_-)

4. Hobbies?
Dance, rap, sing, draw, write, photography, photoshop in general, gaming, researching random topics and studying them... Does K-pop count as a hobby? lol

5. Sexy or cute?
Cute is sexy.

6. Favourite season?

7. Favourite K-pop band?
Big Bang, but BTS is a close 2nd.

8. First bias?
G-Dragon (He's my ultimate bias. Oppa nappa af. Nobody can beat him.)

9. vjicouch or vjicouch?
It's too hard to choose.

My questions to the people I'll tag...

1. Octopuses or squids?
2. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
3. Do you wanna build a snowman?
4. Got Milk?
5. If you were a beverage, what beverage would you be?
6. Man, whatchu you afraid of?
7. Have you ever actually slipped on a banana peel?
8. Are you a robot?
9. Do you say "bless you" when someone sneezes?
10. If cars could talk, what do you think a car would say when it gets in a wreck?
11. How often do you wash your hands?
12. Do you want to ride on a walrus' back?
13. Are there any words or phrases people use in smut that make you laugh? (e.g. "member")

Tagged peeps (idc if you do it or not lol)

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