Chapter 2

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Your Pov
You head down to where everyone one is. Everyone is so serious. In fairytail everything is so lively. But here, everyone has to be so serious and strong. But there is one thing that always cheers you up. Suddenly, a figure tackles you and you fall onto the floor. You look behind and see your friend that would always be at Sabertooth, Haruhi.

"How are you?!?! I haven't seen you for so long!!!" Haruhi says getting off of you.

"I'm good. What's happening with you?"

"Well... The Grand Magic Games are coming up. I know I'm not gonna get picked but I still wanna train."

"Aww come of Haruhi, you might get picked. Who knows!"

"Is it true that the Fairy tail members came back?!?!"

"Yah. Me and Natsu became really close. I really miss him."

"Oooooooo!!! Are you two dating?" Haruhi says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up!!!" You said sacking her arm.

"Relax. Anyways.... Isn't Gray kinda hot I mean. Woah!" Haruhi says fanning herself.

"SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH!!!!!" You shouted. She then quickly covers your mouth. You start to giggle uncontrollably.

Time skip ( cuz nothing important happens)

It was time for the GMG. You were walking around with Haruhi, in Crocus. She wasn't chosen to be part of the team, but that still doesn't mean that we aren't gonna be there. When you two were looking at clothes, Haruhi says,"Look at the sexy one over there." You turn around and see Gray, Happy, and of course Natsu. So you did what any normal person would do. Hid behind the clothing rack.

Natsu Pov

Me and Gray were walking around Crocus. I still miss (y/n). I WANT FOOD!!!!! Wait. Is that (Y/N) I smell?!?!?

"I THINK I SMELL (Y/N)!!!!" I said to Gray and Happy.

"Oh like you said how you saw her last week and kissed a cactus?!" Happy said bursting it into giggles.

"COME ON!!!" I said dragging them to where a pink haired girl was. (Y/n) is around here somewhere. As soon as the pink haired girl saw Gray she said ,"Hey hot stuff. Or should I say cold and sexy stuff."
I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!! I look around more in the store. But behind the clothing rack I saw (y/n). I run up to her and give her the biggest huge.
"i missed you so much." I whispered into her ear.
"I missed you too."

After we relased from the hug I said,"Where have you been? What are you doing here?"

"Natsu listen." She said calming me down,"I don't have time to explain things. But I will see you soon. And make sure you win. Ok?" I shook my head saying yes and kiss her on the forehead. Then go back to find my guildmates with Happy.

Grays Pov
.... Did Natsu just leave me. "Um hey." I said to the girl with the pink hair. "I'm Gray. What's your name?" I ask her.

"I'm Haruhi. Good luck in the Grand Magic Games."

"Um thanks. I hope I see you again." I said before running to Natsu.

A/n: Haruhi + Gray = Not happy JUVIA

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