Chapter 22 - Clarifying

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Yejun ran his hand through my hair. I missed the feeling of his fingers feeling every curling strand. In his eyes, I saw all of the stress that was poured on him all of this time. "I'm sorry for everything Len. These past months without you really took a toll on me. I thought I could get over you... Somehow, you ended up in my dreams. At times, I thought they were real."

At least he didn't see me at the most random times. It felt nice to be in his strong embrace again. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes when his fingers massaged my scalp. His laid his chin on my head and suddenly stopped moving his fingers. I felt his body stiffen and looked up at him in confusion. Is he regretting what he said?

"Len?" Oh my God. Yejun let go of me and I turned to the side. I inwardly rolled my eyes and sarcastically smiled at Trina, my mom's friend. Trina's dark brown eyes stared at us in curiosity. I cannot stand my parent's eyes. They're always looking for something to gossip about.

"Hello Ms. Trina." She put her hands on her hips and eyed Yejun. "So who's this?" I wanted to smack her so hard, like it's none of her business. I tried to smile again, but my annoyance was too prominent. I looked up at Yejun, surprised at his confident face.

"I am her friend." he responded as he gave her a charming smile. Instead, she pursed her lips and started eyeing him. I desperately wanted to smack the shit out of her. Not only is she being nosey, but now she's eyeing my man? Fuck outta here. "Mhm, friend right? You guys look more than that. I've seen you around here before Mr. Friend." Yejun looked down at me and I fought the urge to roll my eyes again.

"He's just my friend Ms. Trina." I said as sweetly as possible. Instead, she let out a sarcastic laugh and raised her eyebrows.

"I never expected you to be with older men gyal pickney. You always seem innocent, but it seems like your mother is right." My eyes instantly widened. This bitch has the nerve to come out of nowhere with her nosey ass self looking for something to gossip about, but now she's lowkey calling me a slut?

"I know damn well you're not talking when you have no idea who the father of your second child is." She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Yejun put his hand on my shoulder to try and reassure me, but Trina really pissed me off this time.

"But wait, who are you talking to like that? You are a child! Watch your manne-"

"I don't have to watch anything!" I snapped. She looked at me with surprise as I continued, "If anything, how about you stop watching me?! Like god damn, you need to watch your 14 year old daughter. You think she's going to tutoring? You're funny!"

"Watch when I tell your mother."

"Tell her!" I yelled as she walked off. I'm tired of people always watching me. Go watch your fucking kids.

I turned to Yejun and rolled my eyes. "I didn't understand everything you said, but I see what you mean now." He said with the shake of his head. "I apologize for bringing that upon you. I hope your mother doesn't make things harder for you."

"I don't care if she does, I just hate it when people accuse me of bullshit." I muttered.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out. The picture of Yeong Jin and I on the train lit my screen. I tried to put it away in time, but Yejun already saw it. I didn't want to look up at him. I knew the hurt was there. "I'm sorry..."

I couldn't even bring myself to look into his eyes. His situation was far worse than mine. "It's fine Len. What I did to you wasn't fair, it's not like you would've known."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to say. Even though Yejun said he'll never return to Korea, that doesn't mean everything is suddenly fixed. Finding confidence out of nowhere, I stared into his dark eyes.

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