Stiles imagine part 1

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I drag myself onto the bus in the morning and look through the rows of people, complete strangers. But the problem is there is only one seat left on the bus so I don't have a choice but to sit next to a boy.
"May I sit here, everywhere else is full," i look at the rest of the people
He looks up from his phone and my mind stops working, I feel my heart pumping faster and suddenly it's really hot I'm here.
"Yeah, sure," he says, smiling. Woah.
"My names stiles by the way," he says to me
"My names y/n," he smiles again
"So y/n, I haven't seen you before, are you new here?" He almost looks nervous
"Yes, I just moved here from w/y/l," (where you live)
"That's cool, he goes on to tell me that he doesn't usually ride the school bus, it's just that he's jeep is being repaired. I look at him properly, his hair is dark brown and his eyes are light goldish brown when you look at them closely, not that I got to or anything.
We talk about where I grew up and he offers to take me to the schools reception to get my class schedule and I let him.
Once we get to beacon hills high he tells me about his lacrosse training and if I wanted to watch him train and go bowling after. "I would love too," I say looking at him closely. I think I might have already found a friend.
I get my classes and we both have AP biology. Stiles tells me that his friends Scott, Lydia and Kira take that class. I nod nervous to meet them.
"Stiles, what if they don't like me?" I ask biting my lip, I do that when I'm nervous.
He looks at me and smiles
"They will y/n," he whispers, smiling

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