Chapter 24

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There was no sign of Kyran. With a sense of dread, Rian feared that he was indeed heading for Molan's crypt, as Ehina had warned.

But why? Certainly Kyran wouldn't give himself over to the dark magic user? Or did he somehow think he could rescue their mother?

Either way, Kyran was in great danger.

"Hurry," Rian urged Westin and Harlan as they hopped over the low iron fence marking the border of the cemetery. The gloomy darkness made the place even more forbidding and Rian couldn't stop thinking that his own father had died here 10 years ago on a Halloween night.

"You don't think Kyran will help him, do you?" asked Westin. He knew Kyran better than anyone but Rian.

"I don't know," said Rian. His brother was a mystery, even to him at times. "I hope not."

"Let's hope that woman doesn't get to him first," said Harlan.

An eerie sound caught their attention as they began to climb the hill. A shrill sound, like a large bird, but with a grating, tinny, other-worldy sound. They stopped.

"What was that?" asked Harlan, searching the trees nervously, but with the fog it was difficult to see very far in the uneven graveyard terrain.

"That didn't sound like a bird from around here," said Westin, who was more the outdoors type than either of the others. In anticipation, Rian drew his sword.

Slowly, they moved forward, through the bushes and low trees up the path.

Now the cry came again, louder and more distinct. They stopped. It was impossible to tell which direction the sound came from.

A mist rolled in across the path ahead of them.

"I don't like this," said Harlan.

Then a creature became visible, dimly at first, almost as though materializing from thin air as it moved through the mist towards them. The thing was as big as an octopus but flying in the air. It looked like a cross between a gigantic mosquito and a crab. It's body was thin with six spindly legs. It had two huge pincers in front and a long stinger where its mouth should be.

"Oh crap," said Harlan.

"What is it?" asked Westin. He had drawn his gun.

"No idea," said Harlan, taking a step back and fumbling for the dagger he'd brought along.

As the thing moved towards them, Westin took a shot at it with his gun.

It didn't even slow down.

They scattered in different directions. Rian took a swipe at it with his sword but the thing was wicked fast. It darted out of the way and lunged at Harlan. Rian blocked it, slashing at it with his sword. Again he missed as the creature withdrew, hovering, airborne for the moment.

The creature ascended about 20 feet in the air then flew down at Westin, surprising them all with its speed. Westin fumbled to put away the gun and draw the dagger he wore on his belt but he was too slow. The thing hopped onto his back and clamped four of its legs around him, immobilizing his arms. With a screech, the creature plunged the long stinger into his neck, just under the spine.

Westin screamed in pain. He fell, writhing, to the cold, damp ground.

"Westin!" yelled Rian, moving towards him. But the creature had released Westin and darted into the air.

"Look out!" cried Harlan, holding up the mostly decorative dagger in a poor defense. The creature darted back and forth, feinting an attack and falling back.

Rian ran over to Westin but before he could get to his friend, the thing flew at him. Rian took a swing at it but missed as the creature zipped back away, disappearing into the trees. "Westin, are you all right?" shouted Rian, glancing at his friend who knelt doubled-over on the ground.

But they had no time to help him as two other flying mosquito-like creatures came at them from a different direction. Rian readied his sword but the things flew too high above them. The two creatures hovered above the group, as though studying them, their wings beating with a low whine.

"Stay back!" shouted Harlan, brandishing his dagger at the creatures, who no doubt didn't understand him.

One of them dived for Harlan, but Rian moved to counter the attack, driving the creature off. Though he hit it, he saw very little damage. Slowly, the creature came lower and lower, hovering just out of range of Rian's sword. Almost as though teasing him. Rian was sure he could hit it. He repositioned his footing and lunged at it. But the creature retreated back a few paces, not up and out of reach, just farther away.

But not too far. Again Rian lunged, and once again, as the creature retreated.

"Rian!" Harlan cried. Rian looked back to see the other creature swooping down towards Harlan.

"No!" shouted Rian. He'd forgotten the second one. Had this one deliberately led him away? Just then the creature above him also dove at him, making it impossible for Rian to do anything but stand and defend. He couldn't breach the distance to help his friend.

A strange screeching sound came from behind. Rian turned, expecting the worst. Surely the creature had reached Harlan by now, but instead the thing fluttered erratically away from him, an arrow lodged in its chest.

Momentarily distracted, Rian failed to watch the creature above him as it readied to strike. Suddenly, the creature was on Rian's back with four strong claws sinking into Rian's shoulder and arms with a steel grip.

No amount of cursing or struggling helped Rian fight off the creature. Something stung his neck and the world slowly faded. There in the trees, as Rian collapsed, he saw the cloaked and hooded woman standing with a bow in her hands.

"What?" muttered Rian, but then he lost consciousness.


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