Magic Spawn: Chapter 59

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by Meredith Skye

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Near Ashtree Lake, Edward was back up on his feet. Rian was speaking to Haley on the radio. "Okay, thanks. Watch yourself up there," he told her.

Ray and Harlan looked at Rian, waiting for the news. "Looks like Molan may be headed our way," said Rian.

"Great," said Ray. "That's all we need."

"Yeah, I thought Molan was supposed to go south," said Edward.

"Looks like the plan's gone wrong," observed Zane. Pompous jerk.

"Let's get going. Just keep your eyes open," said Rian, trying not to show how annoyed he was.

Edward and Ray muttered something negative and got their things. The group trudged on. This night seemed interminable. Rian shivered as the wind tried to keep them from climbing the steep hill that led up to the area near the crypt. This section was full of overgrown weeds and undergrowth, as though no one ever traveled this trail. A few small grave markers showed up through the weeds in the form of old, rotting wood or partially crumbled stone markers; most of these were so eroded, as to be completely unreadable.

The fog had lifted a little, due to the wind. As they walked, Rian thought he heard something over to his left. Quickly he searched the shadows, but saw nothing. He hesitated a moment, before moving on.

"Something touched me," said Harlan suddenly.

"What?" asked Edward.

"Oh, you're just imagining it," said Zane, in his know-it-all tone.

"Am I?" challenged Harlan.

"Come on, guys. And keep it down," said Rian.

"Whatever you say. You're the boss," said Zane, in a way that meant Rian really wasn't the boss.

The hike continued silently for a few more minutes, before Ehina signaled them to stop. They were nearing the top. Up on the hill, in the mist, Rian could see the outline of the wizard Molan, and Kyran, Rian's brother.

"There," she said.

"I see them," he whispered.

Ehina touched his arm. "Remember, it's too late for your brother. You know what has to be done." Rian hated to admit it, but their situation was desperate. Molan was too powerful, and Kye had demonstrated clearly that he was on the wizard's side. People had died.

"I'll deal with the magic-spawn," she said. "You and the others take the wizard."

The magic-spawn.

"No," said Rian. It hurt him to say it. "If it has to be done, I'll do it. Keep out of sight. We'll distract them and you get past them and head for the crypt."

Ehina stared at him, assessing his resolve. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Rian, in his most convincing voice.

She nodded then. "All right. Rian, don't let us down. Kyran must be dealt with. It will make the difference between success and failure."

Rian nodded. Silently, she moved out of sight. Rian beckoned Zane. "I'll take on Kyran. You go with the others and take on Molan. Unless you want to argue about this?"

Zane shook his head. "We'll do it." The others followed Zane. He really was a pretty good fighter. Secretly, Rian was glad he had come along after all, especially if Ehina needed to slip past during the battle without being seen.

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