"I'm here. Is something wrong?" Harry asked, standing up. 

"Yeah," Louis sighed, looking down and tugging at his hair. What he had in mind was incredibly stupid but Niall was his best friend. Besides, it was something adventurous he's been wanting to do for so long.

"Look, Harry, you need to understand that Niall has been his family's puppet for so long. It's hard for him to break those strings when he is constantly being tugged on," Louis began pacing around. "His family came to visit because they were holding this huge event for the company. The thing is. . .Niall is being forced to propose to that. . . that girl."

"What?" Harry sounded heartbroken. 

"Oh," Liam said quietly. 

"I know it's horrible," Louis shook his head. "Now get dressed, both of you."

"What? Why?" Harry frowned. 

"No questions, we need to go, like now."


The event was elegant, as expected. The banquet was quite large and there was a huge, sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. It almost looked like something out of a fairy-tale castle. 

"Having fun?" Niall heard his mother come up to him. 

"Not really," Niall said under his breath. His mother said nothing about how rude it was to speak under your breath or how Niall was in such a negative mood. Maura put her hand gently on Niall's shoulder to comfort her son. Instead, Niall shrug her hand off and walked away. 

"We shouldn't be forcing him into this, you know that, right?" Bobby walked up next to his wife. His eyes watched Melissa, the to-be bride of his son. He knew Melissa was a wonderful girl, and maybe Niall knew as well, but it wasn't what his heart wanted. 

"I just want what is best for him," Maura sighed. 

Bobby didn't have the chance to reply as another couple came up to them to start a conversation. 

Niall stood at one of the far corners of the room, watching people mingle upon themselves with glasses in their hand. He hated being there in that room. His heart would always pound every time he thought back to the special surprise his mum will make him do that night. 

"Want to dance?" Melissa suddenly said.

"No thanks," Niall replied. 

Melissa frowned. "What's wrong? You don't seem yourself tonight."

Niall looked around, catching the eyes of various people looking at them. He wondered if his mum somehow decided spread a rumor about tonight's surprise. That made Niall even more scared. 

"I think I need something to drink," Niall said, avoiding Melissa's eyes and walking away from her. He continued to walk until he was across the room. Melissa had disappeared back into the crowd. 

Suddenly frowning, Niall looked intensely into the crowd. He swore he saw a flash of something recognizably familiar. He saw it again, in the far distance by the entrance. His mouth opened a bit in surprise as he saw Harry run a hand through his hair as he looked around, putting his other hand in the pocket of his black jeans. 

He was wearing a white button up along with a simple blazer and a pair of black boots. It was a simple, quick outfit that still managed to somehow blend in with tonight's crowd. Niall watched at how handsome Harry looked. He almost looked like a prince to match with the banquet-ballroom. 

Almost like Niall's own personal fairy-tale. 

Niall looked away,  searching for his parents so they wouldn't see him making his way towards Harry. Although, when Niall looked back towards Harry - he was gone.

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