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Glossary: Nkw means (a man on whom penetrative sex is performed) and while this sounds all nice and dandy it is actual a negative word hence the use of it by the man.

Khopesh: An ancient Egyptian instrument of war.

Kohl: Kohl is an ancient eye makeup, it's like eye liner. It is widely used in parts of Egypt as to contour and/or darken the eyelids and as for the eyelashes. It is worn mostly by women, but also by some men and children.

"Place the money on the dresser," He murmured pulling the sheets closer to his body, he could hear the rustling of clothes from his side but could not bear to look. He couldn't.

"Will you be here next time?" the man asked with a sly smile that Milah couldn't see.

"Yes," Milah replied making the man smile and leave the small room closing the door behind him.

The door closing sounded like a bang in Milah's head, exhaling he got out of the bed even though he felt sore in between his thighs.

He picked up the money from the dresser and counted them, sighing a little before muttering "Only a hundred thousand more gold pieces and I'm done," only twenty more years and he would be free. Oh the joy.

He was so glad the brothel had a bathroom even if it was so little or he would have had to go into the palace smelling and looking like the whore he was.

Taking his private soap and bathing cloth he went into the stall dressed in a white plain dress, turning the sign that read 'Open' and flipping it to a 'Closed'.

Making sure to wash off any remainder of dirt off his body, he did so quickly so he could get to the palace as soon as possible.

Washing off the grime of the night from his long dark hair he left the stall but not before flipping the "Close" to an "Open".

Pulling on his dress and tying his hair in it a blue ribbon, he covered his head with his hood and made his way to the palace after giving some money to the owner of the brothel and then leaving in haste.

"Nkw! Whore!" a loud voice called from behind him but he didn't turn back, he couldn't. The word was so degrading he wished the red soil would open up and swallow him whole.

"Nkw! Woman boy!" the voice yelled again, only this time packing more heat. Milah increased his pace praying in the name of Ra that the man would lose interest and leave him alone but alas, answered prayers were only for the privileged.

"Are you deaf boy?!" the man shouted when he got close enough grabbing Milah by his left arm, using his free hand to secure the hood over his head.

He turned to the man and replied "I don't know what you're talking about," feigning a calm composure. Milah was shaking on the inside.

"Man-whore!" the dark man sneered at him with disdain, trying to pull his arm away to no avail he did the only thing he could do.

"I am the property of His Royal Highness Pharaoh Nebtawi, any harm done against me would be punishable by death," he recited the line that had been taught to him by his father with the utmost shame.

"Prove it!" the burly man stated with a glare, Milah sighed in anger of having to show the one sign of his social status.

He bared the black cobra on the inner of his arm for the man who released his hold on Milah but still lingered his fingers, which lead him to believe the man had just been about to aggressively preposition him.

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