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Devin opened his eyes, and channelled his little strength into a great force that broke his leg free from his father's grip and kneed his father in his stomach.

His father winced at the pain and let Devin go. Devin scrambled out of his bed and darted out of his room and down the hall. Before he could get to the stairs his father grabbed his arm and tugged it, forcing him back. His father grabbed his other arm and brought him close.

"You're going to regret that, son", his father whispered in his ear.

They moved towards the edge of the stairs. His father looked at him dead in the eye and pushed him down the stairs, tumbling backwards. The sharp edges of the steps dug and cut into his skin, bruised and broke his ribs. His head banged against the wall and the steps, causing searing pain that surged up and down his spine.
He landed at the base of the stairs, mangled and barely conscious. Blood poured from his face, arms and chest.

"Say hello to your mother for me", his father said as he walked down the stairs, glaring at him.

His father kicked Devin's stomach, causing him to groan in pain.

His father grabbed his car keys and casually walked out the door, as if he hadn't done anything. Devin, fighting the severe pain, reached toward his phone that came out of his pocket when he was pushed down the stairs.
He called 911 first, then began to call John. He wouldn't answer.

Was John mad at him for defending that horrid man? Devin thought. He used his last bit of strength to text John.
Still nothing.
The pain became unbearable now, and he could hear sirens in the distance. He fainted.


He woke up to bright white light that nearly blinded him. He observed his surroundings without turning his head. He tried to sit up but a sharp pain restricted him from doing so.

He turned his head to the right to see a table with a paper cup filled with water sitting on it. Next to that was a notebook,
his notebook.
But wasn't it thrown out?

Again he tried sitting up, forcing himself through the pain. He sat up.

"Ow!", he exclaimed, taking notice at his arm with an IV in it.

He looked in front of him and noticed a man sitting in a chair at the front of the room.

"Hello, son", the man spoke.

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