Chapter 5

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There are five minutes of class left till the last bell that signals that we are able to go home. I made plans to meet up with the Stromberg's after school to go home together to work on the project. 

The bell finally rings and I say bye to my friend Esmeralda. I usually hang out with Kathia and Cristina in this class but I'm still pissed at them. I get out of the class to be greeted by Keaton, we stood in the middle of the hallway waiting for Wesley and Drew. Since we were stuck waiting I decide to make conversation.

"So... hows life?" I ask Keaton. He looks surprise that I'm actually talking to him.

"It's okay. Days filled with homework barely anytime to have fun." He says kinda sad.

"Nonsense. There's always time for fun. What about when your brother throws his parties?" Wesley always throws parties. There's at least one party per week at his house. 

"It's his parties not mine. I don't know anyone there except maybe Drew and well now I know you." He shrugs his shoulders. I was going to reply when I see Jack approching us.

"Wow Kitty-Kat! Just cause you have to do a project with this loser doesn't mean you have to hang out with him." Jack states. 

"It's true I don't have to hang out with him but I want to so leave us alone." I grab Keaton's hand and start walking away from Jack. 

"You're just hanging out with him because your friends ditched you but you can hang out with me instead." Jack yells at me from across the hallway. 

"No thanks I rather hang out with a dog than with you, and I'm terrified of dogs." I yell back at him while leading Keaton away from Jack.

"Uhh Kat where are we going?" Keaton asks me. 

"I don't know. I was trying to get away from Jack but now I don't know where we're going?" I say truly confuse of my surroundings.

"How exactly are we going to find Drew and Wes here now?" He looks shocked and a tiny bit scared.

"Oh it'll be fine. I'm sure they'll find us." And sure thing ten minutes pass by and I see Drews face.

I stand up and go up to them and tell them what happen and explained why we moved from where we were. 


We are now in the Stromberg's house which is next door to mine. We are in the middle of working on the project when Wesley calls for a break time. I know right there that that's it for working on the project today. Keaton seems to object, he wants to keep working so I step up.

"Hey Keaton you can have the fun you've been missing out on!" I smile and he smiles back and he's fine with a break.

The break turns into us playing 20 questions while drinking redbull and eating chips, I'm eating Dorito's while the boys eat Flipz. I steal some Flipz from Keaton and he doesn't seem to notice so I go and take some more this time he does notice though.

"If you are gonna take my food Imma take yours." He says and tries to get some dorito's from me but I hold them away from him. He keeps trying and somewhere in the process of him trying to steal my food he falls on top of me. Good thing the other boys are in the kitchen this sight would be a little iffy. However just for my luck, the boys walk in right on us. This just makes it 100 times way more awkward than it was before. 

"So... Let's play 20 questions now" I say while pushing Keaton off of me. His Flipz fell on top of me now my outfit was covered in chocolate. 

"Yummy!" I lick my shirt all the boys seem to find this quite humorous and the randomest thing happens. Drew comes over to me and licks my shirt too.

"What was that for?"I laugh.

"You have chocolate!" Drew shrugs and licks his fingers that are now fill with chocolate.

"So for 20 question who's the asker and who's the answerer?" Wesley asks.

"I'll be the answerer!" I shout excitedly. I love this game for some odd reason. I used to play it with my father before my parents got divorced. 

"We'll all be the askers." Drew says not really into it. He probably wanted to play something more like Seven Minutes In Heaven. 

"How many boyfriends have you had?" Keaton asks

"None..."I blush, people think that just because I hang out with Lindsay and the girls that I must have tons of boyfriends but I've never had one. 

"Really none?" Wesley seems surprise.

"None seriously. People think that I have had lots because of the people I hang out with. They're all whores but not me haha."I explain my situation to them.

"Why do you even hang out with your friends?" Keaton wonders silently but not too silent so I still heard him.

"That's a long story, that maybe one day I'll tell you,Keats." Omg! I just called him Keats. I blush and try hiding my face but I don't think he notices.

"Keats? I like it they just call me baby Keats" talking about Drew and Wes. 

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