Chapter 3

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Finally the bell that signalises that is lunch time rang. I'm always the last one to get out of the class. Everyone races out to be the first in the lunch line but I take my time. Once I'm in the cafeteria there's no line since everyone already got their food. 

I just arrived at the Cafe to find Lindsay making out with her boyfriend.

"Please don't make out in front of me." I say while fake covering my eyes disgusted with their PDA.

"You know Kat one day you'll be making out with someone, and you'll find that it's one of the most pleasurable things in life." Lindsay hugs her boyfriend and comes with me to the lunch line. 

I got a tuna salad and she got a ham salad. I'm sitting down at the lunch table when I hear Lindsay talking to Luciana. Luciana is Lindsays mortal enemy, she stole Lindsays boyfriend once and from then on Lindsay has been making her life miserable. 

"Eating a chocolate cake how dare you? There's too much carbs for you!" Lindsay bitches at Luciana.

"I rather be fat than an anorexic bitch like you." She defends herself. Lindsay just rolls her eyes and checks her nails. 

"Keep telling yourself that." Lindsay smiles at her comeback. I never really understood why she hates Luciana. Yeah she stole her boyfriend but she was cheating on him anyways. 

As Lindsay and Luciana were talking Tamara, my other best friend sat down next to me. 

"Hey Kat, is it true that you stood up to Jack?" Tamara sipped on her coke,oh Lindsay's gonna freak when she sees her drinking coke. Last week she got mad at me from drinking Sprite wish it's better.

 "I called him a douche-bag for calling Keaton a loser." I say while taking a bite from my salad. 

"Oh you were defending Keaton? As in Wesley's brother?" Tamara opens her eyes very wide. 

"Yeah why?" I ask confuse. "What's so wrong about defending Keaton?"

"Never mind, it's just that you never cared about Jack insulting anyone but now you suddenly care." She shrugs. 

The Boy Next Door KEATON STROMBERGМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя