Chapter 84: Leave Me Alone!

Começar do início

I sat next to Joey and he wrapped his arms around me.

Joey: Hey...

Shane: Hi?

Joey's hand started moving up my thigh...

Shane: Joey stop...

Joey: Don't you want to?

Shane: Not with a drunk Joey...

Joey took off his shirt and threw it away but sat back on the couch...

Shane: Why'd you do that?

Joey: I'm hot...

Shane: What?

Joey: It's like 1000 degrees! I'm hot...

Shane: Oh I thought you meant-

Joey: You don't think I'm hot?

Shane: Are you kidding me right now?! OF COURSE I FUCKING DO!

Joey: Ohhh. Good.

Again Joey reached for my crotch literally trying to get his hand in my pants...

Shane: Seriously Joey...

Joey: Take your shirt off at least!

Shane: *Sighs* Fine.

Joey quickly grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head...

Shane: Happy now...

Joey: Yea!

He lay his head on my chest and put his hand on my neck.

Joey: Night...

Shane: You're just going to sleep?

Joey: Yeah!

Shane: Won't you prefer the bed?

Joey: is good.

Joey feel asleep within a few minutes, leaving me stuck on the couch sitting uncomfortably.

10 minutes later I still wasn't asleep, but I needed the bathroom so I had to tussle myself from underneath Joey without waking him.

[Author's POV]

Shane walked out from the bathroom, Joey was still sleeping on the couch body fully spread across it.

Shane decided to just go sleep in the bedroom and let Joey stay comfortable on the couch.

*Next Morning*

[Shane's POV]

Uggh! I woke up feeling really drowsy. I turnt around and almost had a fucking heart attack when I saw Joey was sleeping next to me...

Shane: How the fuck!

Joey's eye lids fluttered as he slowly tried opening them.

Joey: Oh hey!

Shane: How did you?!

Joey: You don't remember?

Shane: No!

Joey: And I was the drunk one!

Joey leaned onto one elbow and gave me a curious smirk.

Joey: Look under the covers...

I did as he told me and...woah.

Shane: How do I not remember this?

Joey: Tiredness?

Shane: Ok I feel like shit right now, and you should have a headache if anything but you're fine!

Joey: I didn't drink much! Just the tiniest bit of alcohol goes straight to my head...

Joey for Shane [A Shoey FanFic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora