The Farm, Two

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*** Two ***

I pulled into the small parking lot a few minutes before six in the morning, still groggy and sipping my first cup of warm sweet coffee. I love coffee. I live on it.

I expected Ramos to be there as he always was, on time and ready; I did not expect the gathering of men, women and children that surged towards the Van I drove.

Spanish and broken English from every direction, hands, large and small, reaching out to touch.

It embarrassed me; I am not a ‘people’ person, I don’t mix well with crowds.

I recognized Ramos’ voice but not the words as those surrounding me shuffled back with wide eyes and very obvious anticipation and concern.

Ramos kept his head bowed, “I am terribly sorry, Senor Jack, I said several times, only the ones I have chosen and only three wives today, no children. They did not listen. I am without the right words to ask you forgiveness. I will send them home.”

I didn’t have any solution or words ready, “Let’s move to the other side of the Van…”

“The interior of that old house is not safe, especially not for children to play in and maybe for no one until we can shore up the walls and ceiling.”

“I know that, Senor Jack. They are so very excited for their men to have work; they want very much to be a part of what has begun to happen. They are very spiritual, Senor, they believe this day will be one to remember; the start of a better life.”

“Ramos, I have been informed that any accident or injury on the property is my responsibility. I cannot take on the possibility of losing all I have worked for in an insurance claim. I can’t do it.”

He still did not lift his head or his eyes. “I work for you with no thought of you caring for me should I be stupid and have an accident. It is not your place and I know that.”

“The law says it is, Ramos, and I have little choice. Inspectors may come and ask questions; not telling truth will bring problems.”

"Por favor, señor, un momento?"

I turned slightly towards the voice and a sturdy middle aged woman bowed her head, then looked into my face.

“I know there are too many. My son did his best to say so. Can I help?”

The Farm, OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora