I left the woman and her now sleeping son and prayed I wouldn't see them here again. I prayed that because I hoped she would get that job and get a house for Jackson then find happiness for herself in whatever form it comes in. I prayed I'd never see them here, but for reasons that make this shelter strive.

"Hey, mate. Why don't you go home and Liam and I will take the night shift? You've been working extremely hard all week." Liam told me. I shook my head and walked past him to go into the kitchen to finish cleaning dishes. I covered a yawn and continued working. Anne walked in and begin placing the dishes in the huge dish washer after I rinsed them.

"Are you feeling okay, love?" Anne asked me. I nodded and held on the the sink as my head spun a little. I guess I hadn't been sleeping much this week and have been working allot more than I have been, but this place needed me. I've been feeling these dizzy spells since Wednesday, but figured it was just because I hadn't really eaten that much either. Eating takes up time that could be used helping build and sort through the new stuff we have been getting all week.

"Come take a seat." Anne told me as she pulled me away from the sink. I took a few steps before I felt extremely dizzy once again, but this time everything just went black.

I only faintly heard someone talking to me, but I was confused on where I was. I opened my eyes and saw I was on the black and white tiled floor of the kitchen. Everything seemed too bright so I closed my eyes again to go back into the sleep that seemed to be calling my name, but an image of a blue eyed little girl popped into my head and forced me to open my eyes.

"The paramedics are on their way, Niall. Just stay right there." Harry's voice came through my confusion and told me. I rolled over to my back and moved my arms that felt like they didn't even belong to myself. I watched Harry's step dad Robin run into the kitchen and place a soft pillow under my head then kneel down next to me.

"Zayn." I mumbled. He nodded and reached into my pocket to get my phone out. I closed my eyes again and listened to Robin speak on the phone with my boyfriend about what happened and what hospital to meet us at. I didn't feel like I needed to got to a hospital, but I didn't feel like I could even stand up on my own if I wanted to.

Soon the paramedics arrived and took my vitals before getting me on a gurney to take me to the ambulance. Anne stayed right next to me the whole time while Liam and Harry said they would meet us at the hospital. I was asked multiple questions about things that it took me a while to really remember the answer for. My own name was one of those questions.

Once I got to the hospital, I was checked into a room then had some blood drawn. I was then hooked up to an IV. I was hooked up to a ton of other machines as well, but didn't mind because it felt nice to just be off my feet. Now that I really think about it, I hadn't sat down since Tuesday. I was left alone by the doctors after an hour of all of them just trying to help me and making sure there was nothing seriously wrong with me.

"I'm tired." I told Anne. She told me softly to close my eyes until the doctor comes back in with the results of my blood work. The door opened just as I was about to fall asleep and I heard the doctor explaining to Anne that I was dehydrated and suffering from exhaustion. That honest wasn't anything new to any of us, but it still wasn't something any of these doctors took lightly.

"So we'll keep him here for thirty more minutes then he's free to go home, but we suggest that he's not going to go to work or do anything other than relax. Sometimes when people faint, it's a way of our bodies telling us that we need to take a break. Looking into his files, this is the third time it's happened. Anyway, we have a young man that's ready to rip our heads off if we don't let him back. He also has a baby with him.  Are you fine with two visitors?" The doctor asked me when I opened my eyes. I nodded and smiled at the fact I knew that was Zayn other there.

Single Father (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now