"Okay im gonna go dance because im tired of sitting." Said Graciela.

"Dont fall." I said.

"No promises." She said.

Sindy came back with a plate full of chicken wings and a basket of French Fries. She was holding a blue drink that I could see she was enjoying and sat down, but then Michael came out of nowhere and pulled her up.

"Come onn lets goo dance." He said with a slur in his speech.

She happily walked onto the dance floor with Michael and started moving along to the beat.

After I was done eating I got up to get some water and saw Luke sitting at the bar taking shot after shot.

He looked over my way and started waving. "Esme, hey Esme, come overr hereee." He yelled. I slowly walked his way and sat down next to him.

"Here take a shot." He said sliding one over.

"I cant Luke I'm pregnant." I said.

"Sooo im suree one wont hurt." He said.

"Luke. Im not taking one. Im not drink at all." I said.

"Can you stop being a bitch and just drink one." He yelled.

Water filled my eyes and I slowly walked away. I know he's drunk but it still hurt.

"Is somebody gonna cry now." He said following me.

"Can you just leave me alone before I get pissed off." I said.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Can you just lighten up. Im out here trying to have fun and you dont even wanna take one shot. Stop being a stupid bitch and have a little fun." He said.

"IM NOT TAKING ONE. I said for you to FUCKING leave me alone. Im pregnant Luke. I cannot drink. And I dont think being a dick is having fun. Leave me alone." I said.

"Fine then whatever, keep being a little bitch and see what happens." He said.

I flipped him off and walked away.

"Hey dont flip me off and walked away." He said.

"I just did bitch." I said.

He grabbed my arm tightly making me flinch. "Luke let go." I said.

I looked up at him and his eyes were dark and life less.

He let go and pushed me making me stumble and fall back.

People around just moved out of the way and kept doing what they were doing. I got up with tears spilling out of my eyes and push him back making him take a few steps back.

"Fuck you Luke, go get shit face or whatever. I dont care if your drunk. You should still be aware of the people you hurt when your drunk as fuck." I cried.

He took a couple steps toward me and I felt his fist connect with my face. I collapsed to the floor, and look up to see Luke standing over me yelling.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO." He yelled. I tried to get back up but he pushed me back down.

Michael came from nowhere and punched Luke in the face making him fall to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you. That's Esme. She fucking pregnant! Stand the fuck up so I can beat the shit out of you!" Said Michael.

Luke didnt get up so Michael came and helped me up. Luke came from behind and tackled Michael. Calum jumped out from the crowd of people with Ashton and pulled Luke off of Michael. Ashton held back Michael.

"What the fuck guys." Said Ashton. "Luke punched Esme and then wouldn't let her get back up!" Said Michael trying to get out of Ashtons grip. Calums face turned into confusion and anger.

He let Luke go and then Punch him in the face. Luke fell to the ground and then Calum go on top of him and started punching him.


He didnt listen. Sindy pulled me away from them and took me outside with Graciela. "Come on you dont need to be here, let's go back to the hotel." Said Sindy.

"No I can't I need them to stop fighting Lukes drunk and so is Calum there just gonna keep fighting." I said.

"Esme Sindys right. You need to rest you got hurt badly just please come with us." Said Graciela.

I nodded and let them take me back to the hotel.


Hey guys ik I said I'd update quick but I lost time and I got distracted but I hope you enjoyed this update and please follow me. Ex.

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