Hating 5sos

776 71 14

I can't seem to comprehend how people can possibly hate 5sos

Like first you have Luke.

Luke is just a little adorable penguin trying to find his way in the world.

And then there's Ashton

Ashton is just an angel sent from heaven with the laugh of a school girl trying to make everyone happier.

Then we have Michael.

Michael is just a kitten who wants to be punk rock but is really super caring and loves everyone.

And finally we have Calum.

Calum is just this little squish who squishes his way through life, making everyone super happy and making everyone laugh.

Sure, sometimes they or do stupid things, but they're a band of four dorks, so what do you expect?

And if you don't like 5sos for whatever odd reason, fine.

Go somewhere else then.

We don't need your negativity here.

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