Chapter Seven ~ Sunday

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We were headed uptown now. There wasn't much to see here; just a few quaint little cafes, and stores that I had been in so often that I found no interest in them.

"Do you guys have a theater?" He asked.

For the last few minutes he'd been asking questions similar to this one. I gathered that he was trying to figure out just what kinds of things country kids here did for fun.

"A drive in." I answered, pulling the worn hem of his denim jacket tighter around my cold body.

"It's a few miles out of town though."

I passed the record store mindlessly searching for something interesting that I knew didn't exist. Like the drive in, almost all entertainment was outside of the city limits.

"Hey." Harry said, stopping and looking into the record store's window.

"Come on." He beckoned, nodding his head at the window in discovery.

He smiled then turned and walked into the small store, and I followed him. The bell rang as we entered and the store's clerk looked up at us out of obligation then quickly buried his head in his magazine again.

"What do you listen to?" Harry asked, walking his fingers along a stack of record sleeves.

"Or do you have a cassette player?" He proposed, moving over and pulling out a brand new Bee Gees cassette.

I wrinkled my nose, looking back at him in disapproval.

"You're not a Bee Gee's girl?" He asked; a bit surprised.

"Nope." I smiled in honesty.

I couldn't really get into the whole falsetto thing. It was weird. I liked deeper voices... voices like Harry's actually.

"Okay." He said, looking through the cassettes again.

"And I only have vinyl." I admitted, shrugging toward the records in familiarity.

"Me too." He said, smiling at our coincidence, and moving back to search through those again.

He pulled out a sleeve, and shook his head in approval.

"The Eagles?" He asked, looking back at me, this time a bit hopeful.

"No." I said, biting my lip.

I was enjoying this game.

"Aaw come on!" He said, laughing a bit in disbelief.

"These guys are sick." He exclaimed, turning the sleeve over and looking at the back cover; reading through the song titles.

His eyes darted about its glossy exterior, as he mouthed the names in a whisper.

"Let's see... uh... these nights... best of my lo... uh Best Of My Love." He said out loud, smiling back at me again.

"That's a good one. And they're coming out with an album in December I think." He grinned, wriggling his eyebrows in anticipation.

I giggled at his cute expression, but shrugged passively at this news.

"Aaw come on!" His shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"How do you not like The Eagles?"

He put the sleeve back in defeat, and started digging deeper. Honestly I had never heard anything by them. Were they popular? Maybe I was out of the loop.

"Alice Cooper?" He recommended, his eyes almost pleading this time.

"No way!" I groaned in detest.

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