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~~ Wrote this Fan Fiction back in 2013 when I was in high school and One Direction posters covered my walls. Now I'm done with college and I haven't read this fiction in 7 years and I have NO INTENTION of finishing it or even editing or proof reading it. Just wanted to publish what I had. So enjoy! There might be smut (idk probably so reader advised 18+ incase there is smut). ~~

Cariton Kansas. Boring Cariton Kansas. Dull, boring Cariton Kansas. How do I even begin to describe something that could in no way hold interest with even the blandest of persons? Those were the only words for Cariton. Dull, and boring. I would know this because I grew up here, and like this menial town; I too could easily be described as dull and boring. Onlookers could probably see our town as quaint. I guess it is a bit picturesque, but I have seen the sights a thousand times. Because of this, they are nothing special or at all fascinating to me.

Each house on my street is perfectly constructed, but there is no pattern in which they were designed. There was not a specific blue print, or brick color requirement like so many of the gated communities and suburban neighborhoods I had seen before. Each home was unique. Some were red brick homes; others were made of stone, some of wood. Each home easily captured a prologue of their resident's life stories. My house is blue, and not an interesting blue. It's a bland, tiresome blue. The front porch is aged and dirty; the garden is a bit overrun with weeds, and in my father's now five-year absence, the garage was in desperate need of reconstruction. It probably looked pleasant to passersby, but it wasn't much of a sight in my own eyes.

Up the street from our house, where the road stops, stands the water tower. It acts as a beacon to our boring little town. The now worn and faded name "Cariton" is painted across it in a careless and tasteless font... almost un legible to anyone who had not already known the words were there. Anyone else would see it as an eyesore, and I had accepted that it probably was, but I liked it. Though I wasn't sure why, this was the only object in the town that I found at all remotely interesting. I had always been enthralled by its height. I'm terrified of heights, but ever since I was a child I had dreamed of climbing to the top of that water tower. I longed to overcome my fear of falling. I wanted to touch its carelessly scribed lettering, to feel the accomplishment of overcoming my fears. I wanted to look critically over the bland city... to for once feel like I was on top of this worthless heap in the corner of the world.

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