Blake x Male!Reader

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((For Kanomaeda. Hope you enjoy UvU

Oh golly gee this will be terrible. Uhm.
I mean I've watched the entire series, but Blake doesn't get enough screentime for me to know a lot about her I guess?? Sorry if she's OOC))

(Y/N)'s father's book store became relatively popular ever since the other one was closed due to the owner being murdered. What was his name again? Tukson? Eh, whatever.


Even with the amount of people that come in and out of the small store the boy worked at, he could only remember one person. Out of every being that stopped by, she was the only one that stayed in his mind permanently.

Her bright, golden eyes. The black bow that sat upon her head of black, curly hair that surrounded her pale face. He begins to wonder what her personality is like. She seems like she's a quiet type of person, will usually be seen completely indulged in a book. She comes to the store nearly everyday looking for a new novel to read, so (Y/N) has many chances to converse with her in the future.

But when would be a good time? What if she had a bad day? All these questions take over his mind which causes him to zone out completely, forgetting that he's supposed to be working.

"Excuse me?" A soft, gentle voice interrupts his thinking. He shakes his head and stares at the person who had just shaken him out of his daze. It was her. The girl he was just thinking about.

"Uhh... Yes? Do you need help with anything?"

"Yes, actually. I was also going to ask if you were feeling alright?" She spoke calmly. The question was unexpected.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. So what do you need help with?"

"I was wondering if you have the third volume to this series?" She held up a fairly thick book. (Y/N) studied the cover carefully. He's basically memorised every book in the entire store. Not the actual stories, though.

"I don't believe we do. I could order a few copies for you, if you'd like." He offered.

"Yes, that would be nice, thank you." An awkward silence took over the room. This was the first time the two had an actual conversation and its already a train wreck. Kind of.

"You come here a lot and out of all those times I never really got to know your name." (Y/N) cut through the quiet.

"Blake Belladonna. And you?"

"(F/N) (L/N). Nice to actually meet you, Blake." With that, the two of them became good friends. They spent the rest of their time recommending books to each other.


It's been a few months now. Blake had still been arriving daily to rent out or buy a new book and she has told (Y/N) that she's a faunus. Which was pretty cool in his eyes.

The regular conversation would commence, but this time was different.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"Can we meet up some place tonight? We've never actually 'hung out' before." She was right. But the way she said that made (Y/N) nervous in a way, like Blake was going to tell him something incredibly important.

"Sure." Was all he could say at the moment. All the ideas of what his friend might say kind of scared him, but made him curious in a positive kind of way. Now that he thought about it, he himself had something to tell Blake. It was hard to put into words. A feelings that probably couldn't even be put into words at all. It was way more than just love.

They both made plans. Meet at the nearby river. Simple. The feeling, not so much.

Work ended and (Y/N) closed the store. He had planned everything he was going to say. Down to every last tone. He was prepared.


When (Y/N) arrived at the meeting place his legs immediately began to shake. Or was his entire body shaking? He couldn't really tell. Blake was already there in her usual attire.

As nervous as he was, he couldn't turn away now. Not only because that would possibly hurt Blake, but she had already noticed him standing a few meters away.

(Y/N) quickly made his way to Blake and sat down next to her.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I have something to tell you and I don't know how you're going to react, so nervous I guess." Blake stared into the water to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, well... Wanna tell me what it is?" Blake inhaled.

"Over the few months I have known you, you have been open-minded and kind so everyone who enters your store. You were even accepting of me being a faunus, and most people despise us."

"Well, it's not like you could control it. You were born like that."

"Yes, but no one I've met other then Ruby has thought about it that way. They all assume I'm a criminal." There was a long pause before Blake continued.

"What I'm trying to say is that I like you a lot, and that I'm glad I met you." She turned to (Y/N) to see what his reaction would be, in which he was silent, his cheeks turning a very faint pink.

"You know it's okay if you don't feel the same..."

No, no. I actually like you, too. I was just kind of surprised since I thought you wouldn't find me that interesting." Blake couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

"So... Does this mean we're dating?" (Y/N) asked in confusion.

"If you want, yes."



From that night on (Y/N) and Blake went on dates weekly. Sometimes they would hang out in Team RWBY's dorm room, all five playing boardgames or having a miniature gaming tournament. Everyone was happy.

((Sorry that this took probably a month hah

didn't really know how to begin this.))

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