'Little' Secret.

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Ponyboy's Pov

I woke up to Darry, he was yelling for me to go down stairs. It was a summer Tuesday morning, and it was June 17th. Which means I didn't go to school, I sighed then got up and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I changed into a black t-shirt, dark jeans and my black converse. And since I'm a greaser my brown hair pushed back with grease. After that I went downstairs and surprisingly the guys weren't here yet, then I looked to the kitchen and found Sodapop and Darry. They were both eating eggs and bacon. I sat down next to Soda, he ruffed up my hair.

"Aye Soda see if the mail came already." Darry asked him while next to the stove, Sodapop nodded then went to go get it. After a few seconds later Soda cam back with bills, then I noticed a brown envelop. I knew who it was, the lady who is taking care of our sister Nichole that we don't know lives with.

"Guys a letter from California!" I announced, Darry walked over to us then grabbed it.

"Lets see what Yolanda wrote." Yolanda is taking care of our sister, she's a bit overly protected, or so I heard. Darry opened the envelop, took out the letter then read it out loud,

Dear Darrel Curtis,

Probably by the time you get this it's Nichole's 14th birthday, June 16th 1966 is the date that you should get this, and also her birthday. Anyway Nichole is doing good and I didn't tell her that she still had family in Tulsa like you asked me to. Of course she doesn't know about me updating you about her, and right away when you get this remember to write back.

From, Yolanda Dudley

"Should we tell the guys already?" Sodapop asked with his mouth full of food, everything was silence knowing it was time to tell the gang. But the real question is when are we going to see her. We all found out about Nichole right after when our parents died, one day Darry got the mail and there it was. Similar to the brown envelop we got earlier it was the first letter from Yolanda, and it was about Nichole.

Nichole's Pov

I woke up by a noise in the other kid's room, the little kid's room. I sighed and stormed in to Isabella and Marie's room, they are both 5 but Marie is 3 months older than Isabella. I share a room with Kali, Sandra, and Andria. Kali is 11, Sandra is 13 and Andria is 14 but I'm 1 month older so I the 2nd oldest in the home. I got to there room and found Isabella and Marie playing with there dolls.

"Bella, Marie shut-up! I can hear you all the way from my room!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry Nichole but Nini needed to wake up early." Bella explained to me while holding her doll to me. Marie saw Bella doing it and copied her motion.

"For the most part Yolanda made us early breakfast." Marie stepped in, I sighed then finally decided to go downstairs. I found Yolanda making pancakes, I smiled then sat down.

"Oh Nichole your up! Now I know we didn't make pancakes for you yesterday, so here you go!" Yolanda said while handing me a plate with 2 pancakes, I smiled then thanked her. I poured syrup then got the fork and dug in. As I was eating I saw Samantha walk in. Oh yea I said i'm the 2nd oldest here, Samantha who we call Sam is 15. She gets mad real fast so I hardly hang out with her. Sam is also mysterious, we don't know how she came her. But from what I heard, Yolanda took her out of abusive home when Sam was 3, that's all I heard. And me, I'm from Tulsa, Oklahoma. My aunt took me away from my parents, she said that they didn't take care of me, or wanted me. But I forgot her name, and for the most part she's dead.

"Morning Yolanda... Morning annoying." Sam said while messing up my hair.

"Samantha, be nice." Yolanda exclaimed to Sam, Sam rolled her eyes.

"Whatever I'm already done!" I jumped up from the chair and ran upstairs. I went in to my room, Kali and Sandra were fighting about some outfits, while Andria was still sleeping. I got my black tight t-shirt, blue skinny jeans and black converse, and I ran into the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower I got dressed and dried my hair, my hair is brown and fairly wavy. Its long but not long enough to reach my waist, kinda reaches the middle of my back. I was still in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Everytime I look in the mirror I think that there's something in my life still alive, I shook my head and walked out to start my day.

-A/N: Yes not all the characters are there BUT. I only wanted the important roles. ;P

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