Rarity's house

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Rainbow dash ran into the door not turning on the lights not to disturb any pony and if any pony other than Zecora, Rarity, or Pinkie saw her she would be screwed. Twilight was right she is just an outlaw pegasus who can barely eat breakfast in peace. She waited for Rarity assuming that she was shopping. Rarity walked into the
Designing room and smiled. It was the first welcoming smile she had gotten since pinkie got caught. Rarity dumped her sewing supplies on the ground and sorted them. She got her supplies and it was a start. All red so far. It took a long time to finish. In fact took so long by the time she was done....she was asleep on the floor. Rarity shook her awake. "Try it out." "Ok."
It was fire colored red, orange, and yellow. It fit her real self. Rarity kept her ticket she would take her as her guest. She knew that she had to wear that ugly orange braided wig. It was only a day away she was so excited. This was her last chance. That was a risk she was willing to take.

A Story Against Them (edited so little it's basically the same thing)Where stories live. Discover now