Back in ponyville

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She met up with her friends at midnight and told her the plan. They all said they had plan on that day. She was pissed off by this. Rainbow spoke sweetly with mockery. "Well isn't it ironic that all of you have THE SAME FREAKING PLANS FOR 21 FREAKING DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ending with her voice consumed with rage. They walked away almost as if they were oblivious to what she just said. She had lost all of her patience and yelled "HEY TWILIGHT IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE A PRINCESS OF SOMETHING THAT ISN'T MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all gasped shocked she would even think about insulting a PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!! Twilight calmly holding back her anger said. "Look at what this friendship has been through.........." "Which you are going to throw down the drain!!!!!!!!!" At this point Twilight had lost it. "I AM A PRINCESS AND YOU ARE JUST AN OUTLAW PEGASUS WHO CAN BARELY EAT BREAKFAST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all left giving Rainbow a glare that screamed "NICE GOING!!!!!!" Except for one, Rarity. She leaned over and whispered "They are just tired darling." Rainbow rolled her eyes. Rarity continued. "Just meet up at my place tomorrow just in case." She nodded and when she left she did her awesome face until she fell asleep.

A Story Against Them (edited so little it's basically the same thing)Where stories live. Discover now