A day in sugarcube corner

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Chapter 1
"OH MY GOSH!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOH MYYYYYY CELESTA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST DON'T HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cried pinkie pie. "Ok Gummy, we have 10 days til' Harths warming and we have over nine thousand!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orders for the "super fun raised strudels" named by yours truly." She quit her pacing to give he pet a wink. "Oh my god!!!!!! I'm so excited to go back to the rock farm to meet up with my sisters again! Maud, limestone, marble! Do you think my cousin'll be around this time? I hope so! What the actual heck am I worrying about of course AJ is gonna be there!" She stared at the wall showing all the parties she had thrown. Batch after batch she started taking 3 of her orders at a time, most because the treat was rather large. "So excited for Hearths Warming eve. IM. SO. EXCITED. GUMMY!!!!!!!!!!" She looked at the amount of orders that have been given. "6 more left, she thought  so let's get baking!!!!!!!!!!!!!" When the place was closed she looked at the ceiling. She sighed. "Time for bed." She concluded with the day's work, and ran up to her room.

A Story Against Them (edited so little it's basically the same thing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt