Chapter Seven

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"...And Captain, my daughter?"

"Admiral Stanley, we're going to do everything in our power to bring her back. We can't bring Toney Song back to earth right now, nor can we transport her out of Sick-Bay. We have also requested to keep Imogene Wood on board, sir, she's our only chance to find the ship."

Bones was sitting in the corner, out of shot of the Captain and Admiral's communication. He had his hands in his hair, squeezing tightly. Thoughts of how he could have prevented this from happening swarmed through his head. He was choking up on it, not able to think very hard on anything besides the fact that Hadley Stanley, His Q-Tip, was more than likely being tortured someplace. It was all on him, if only he had stayed off of that damn shuttle!

"Captain, put Imogene on."

"She is unable to speak at the moment, sir. She's in the Sick-Bay." The Captain turned and looked at Bones.

He stood, collecting his thoughts, and walked into view, "Sir, when she is out of shock she can tell you all she knows. I suggest she sleep now, though. She also lost her brother in that battle."

"Thank you, Dr. McCoy." His voice was laced with extreme dislike. "What did she tell you before she slept."

Bones took a deep breath, "That they're on their way back to the main base, where they'll be processed and examined, and if found displeasing they will be dropped back on one of the empty planets they use for more testing. She didn't know what the tests were, sir. Just that if they still didn't pass they were sent back."

Admiral Stanley nodded his head, "Very well. Do everything in your power, Captain Kirk, to get my daughter back to earth. Then I suggest you dismiss her from her duties aboard the Enterprise. If anything happens to her before then, then it is on you and your entire crew. Understand?"

Bones opened his mouth to protest, but Kirk spoke first, his foot coming down on his almost not very discreetly. "Very well, Kirk out." The transmission ended, and Uhura's face filled the screen.

"Captain, we've received other distress calls. Should we send our own transmission?" She asked him.

"Yes, tell Sulu to send one out that if there is anybody that is a member of the Federation planets that is in danger, contact us right away and we will help them. The more we find, the faster we can find Dr. Stanley."

"Yes sir." Her screen went blank, and Kirk looked at Bones.

McCoy looked like he was going to be sick, or burst into very unmanly tears.

"Damn it, Bones. Pull it together. There are people aboard this vessel that need their senior medical officer. We will find her, not matter how long it takes." His hands clasped Bones's shoulders, his eyes boring into his.

Bones took a moment to collect his breath, and he straightened his back. "Very well then, I'll be in the Sick-Bay if I'm needed."

Kirk's eyes were uncertain, and he dropped his hands.

The two departed, and Bones walked around the corner, stopping to lean against the wall and slide down it. He put his face in his hands, letting out a long and distressing breath. Hadley's face, the look on her face when she saw the Klingons, would haunt him forever.


Great, just what I need. Thought Bones as he let his eyes open. He wiped his eyes quickly and stood. "Mr. Spock."

"Are you quite well?" He asked him, a hint of concern in his eyes. It was gone as soon as Bones recognized it though.

"Yes, I'm fine and dandy, Commander. Fit as a fiddle. How about you?" Bones started walked towards Sick-Bay, hearing Spock following after him.

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