I felt tears begin to stream down my cheeks. I knew falling so hard for her so quickly was going to screw me over. I was losing her before I barely even found her. What if she forgot about me? What is she can't walk anymore? What if she doesn't even make it? 

"Noah, you're making the crew suspicious. Wanna come back out?" Ian said walking in. I looked at him and his face looking as sad as I felt. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He stepped up closer to me and wrapped me into a hug. I hugged him before pulling away and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I probably looked like a baby right now. "Noah, I understand this is hard. But I know Chloe so well and she's going to be fine. She wanted to be here. She's not ready to go quite yet. She's going to fight to stay here." 

"I know I know. I just can't help but picture what would happen if that's not enough. I can't lose her Ian." He nodded and wiped tears from his cheeks as well. This was so hard. Just yesterday I was cuddling this girl in her bed while we watched Friends (we've made it our show) Now we were sitting in a room alone wondering if she was going to die. 

We talked for awhile, about Chloe, about Anthony, about everything. Ian and I really connected. I hadn't realized how much Ian really cared about Chloe. It was like he was her brother too. It was nice to be around someone who knew and actually understood how I felt. 

We left and rejoined everyone. We all sat in silence. The crew was trying everything they could to keep the fans calm, considering there wasn't a way to keep this huge accident a problem. I just texted Keith to let him know what happened and why Ian and I had left so early. 

"So Noah, you got a thing for Chloe?" Wes asked putting his phone down and leaning forward. I'm not going to lie, Wes is incredibly intimidating. He's known Chloe longer than I have and she said he's really protective of her, along with Mari, Lasercorn, and Sohinki. I looked at Ian nervously. He nodded his head in a reassuring way. He wanted me to tell them. 

"Uh, well, it's sorta complicated." I said unsure of how to present the situation to Chloe's actual best friends. These people loved her more than I could ever know. And she loved them just the same. This was going to be hard. 

"Complicated? Either you do or you don't Noah." Lasercorn said frustrated. I don't think I was handling this well. They didn't seem impressed. I felt like I was having a conversation with over protective parents about dating their daughter, not just her friends. 

"Okay truthfully, Chloe and I like each other and we've gone on dates but we don't want to tell people. It's just very stressful at the moment." They all smiled. Maybe I did something right. Ian smiled at me too. I sorta looked at them all awkwardly. 

"I knew as soon as I met you, that Chloe would be into you. You're so her type Noah." Mari said with a laugh. I smiled to myself. I think that was a good sign. That I wasn't someone totally random, that I was someone Chloe would be interested in. 

"Lasercorn, Mari, Sohinki, and I were hanging one night and we even called it. We were confused as to why we hadn't heard about it yet. Makes sense now." Wes said leaning back in his chair. Wes had me so scared before. I'm so glad they understood. Though now I was worried they would tell Anthony. 

"Can you not tell Anthony? We're trying out hardest to keep it away from her because Chloe's afraid it could ruin a lot of things." They all nodded in almost unison. It was really relieving. 

We all sat there and talked for awhile. It had been a couple hours now and we were getting restless. Social media was getting insane. They got #Pray4Anthony trending on Twitter. The fans were truly insane. Some people (really hardcore fans) tweeted about Chloe. Though the main focus was on Anthony and Sohinki. I didn't mind though, Chloe wasn't one to be the center of attention. She hated it. 

"Are any of you Ian Hecox?" A female said approaching us. This was the moment we'd been waiting for. 

"That'd be me." He said standing up. She waved him away from the group and began talking to him. All of us had our breathe held. I was so worried. What if she had died? This was to much. The doctor finished talking to Ian and he nodded and walked back over to us. Here we go, the final big news. 

I'm terrible I'm terrible I know. So I'm planning to update again really soon because I'm really excited about this. Prepare for a very exciting chapter next! I'm excited for you all to read it. I love you! 

I also wanted to re-mention the cover contest thing. It's still happening and the potential prizes I currently have in mind are being mentioned in this story, or I can write you an imagine with any member of Smosh you'd like. So please DM me if you would be interested in making me a cover! 

One last thing, I have an idea on what to do with this story line but I can't decide if I want to do it all in this book or if I just want to make a sequel. I'm leaning towards sequel but I'm still thinking about it so please comment your opinions!  

P.S. I plan to start writing my Smosh Games fanfic, At an Angel's Expense, so if you guys like Smosh Games, please go check that out too! Thank you! 

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