Chp 45: Near the deadline

Start from the beginning

"No Randy not this time! No Nomicon today!" Howard sleeps the Nomicon out of Randy's hands.

"But-" Randy starts.

"No buts!" Howard takes the Nomicon and throws it.

It hits my head, I fall back, then it lands on my face.

My eye roll back into my head and I shloomp in.

"Well then. I haven't been here in quite a while. What was it September? October maybe." I walk around on the ground. A path leading to a mountain.

I walk for ten minutes until I see Daichi and Plop-plop sitting down, having a picnic.

"Hey guys how've you been?" I ask, sit down, and take a bite out of a turkey sandwich.

"We've been good, but we haven't seen you in a while how have you been?" Daichi asks.

"Oh where do I start?" I laugh.

"I'm guessing you've had too much drama?" Daichi asks.

"Tell us the drama. Sorry I'm a sucker for this stuff." Plop-plop says.

"Well first I met this other alternate personality named Terrance, I kissed Randy...he used the art of love on me, I met another alternate personality named Ivory. I found out Terrance was trying to kill me and almost killed him myself. Umm..and I found the other alternate personalities. Except for like, 2 of em." I say.

"I see it didn't take long." Daichi says.

"What...?" I ask.

"Well after we decided to let you out we sent a signal out to the other Nomicons, telling them to let the other ones out and when they do that, tell them to come to Norisville. We knew Randy needed...a little help when the sorceress finally figured out how to get out of the land of shadows." Daichi explains.

"Well..." I say.

"Creepy? Kind of. But we'll never know Daichi's ways. He's 800 years old." Plop-plop laughs, and I laugh with him.

"But I never knew Terrance would work foe Amanda. It was probably by force. After all he was an alternate personality." Daichi says.

"So you think he's being held captive? Or something like that?" I ask.

"That's my theory." Daichi says.

"It's possible that they found him when he teleported here and kidnaped him. Or maybe there's a different reason." Daichi shrugs.

"After what he sent to me. I refuse to believe he chose this." I say.

"Wait what?" Plop-plop asks.

"He gave me a USB with a video of him saying sorry. If he really is sorry for what he did, playing me and all, then...I just don't know..." I say.

"I say you forgive him." Daichi says.

"Ok I want your honest opinion...who do you ship more? Randelle or Terrelle?" I ask.

"Randelle." Plop-plop says.

"Terrelle." Daichi says.

"Well Daichi, Randelle is cute. It's like they're the same person but at the same time completely different...I mean, it's incest but I ship em anyways." Plop-plop shrugs.

"Well Terrelle is so sweet. When a playboy meets a girl. She ends up melting his heart, metaphorically I mean. But then he hurts her, makes her cry. Then of course she hates his guts. Hates them for a couple months actually. But all he has to is wait. If that doesn't work he needs to show her how much he cares, and if she can't see that then she doesn't deserve him." Daichi says.

"Cute but cliché. Honestly my life is cliché as it is." I laugh.

"But don't you love a good cliché?" Daichi asks.

"Honestly. Yes. Those are my favourites. Now, I've never seen something like happen. But if I did I would try my very hardest to get them to fall in love ya know?" I ask.

"Yeah-" Plop-plop starts but the ground shakes and I wake up.

"Richelle you shoob wake up!" Nichelle yells in my face.

"I'm up I'm up!" I sit up and look around.

I'm in the nurses office.

"Why am I in the honking nurses office?" I ask.

"Well everyone thought you hit your head." Nichelle says.

"I got shloomped into Randy's Nomicon and talking with the first red ninja about who he ships." I say.

"Who does he ship?" Nichelle asks.

"Terrelle, my and Terrance." I say.

"Umm. No. Gross. Kill me now. Randelle is better by far!" Nichelle says.

Then I giggle a little.

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