Chp 22: After the kiss

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"What the juice Randy? I'm gone for two minutes and you start making out with Richelle?" Howard yells.

"It's not like that." Randy says.

"Then what is it? Because I'm pretty sure I saw what I saw." Howard yells.

Howard walks up to me and grabs my arm.

"Don't you dare touch my best friend." Howard says, he goes to punch me but I teleport behind him so he can't.

"Let us explain." I say.

"Alright. But you better explain why you can teleport!" Howard yells.

I nod and we tell him everything. From me being NomiRandy, to what just happened.

"Your saying that...Richelle is NomiRandy?!" Howard gasps.

"In the flesh." I say.

"I always hated the Nomicon. But for it to let you out. It must be on some kind of drugs because this is crazy." Howard says.

"I know that you must hate me right now but-" I start.

"Hate you." Howard laughs. "I hate the Nomicon. It's not your fault it created you. Maybe it wouldn't have if Randy was obsessed with it."

"Hey I was trying to be a good ninja!" Randy says.

"Well you weren't cause here I am." I say.

Randy rolls his eyes.

"So how annoying was the Nomicon while you were in there?" Howard asks.

"Well if it wasn't for the water fall and getting fish constantly thrown in my face then maybe I'd actually like being there."

"I know right!" Randy says.

"Anyways, so this one time I'm just chilling. Sitting on a cloud. Then the next thing I know, plop-plop teleports behind me, and pushes me off. So then I fall face first into the ground. And since you can't die in the Nomicon. I feel all that pain. Then I got him back by splashing mud all over his food." I say.

"Plop-plops still in there?" Howard asks.

"Yeah. He's always clinging to Daichi though."

"Daichi?" Randy asks.

"That's the first ninjas name?" I say.


"I still don't understand why you guys were kissing." Howard says and Randy starts blushing so I take a pic of him with my iPhone.

Without him knowing of course.

"I uhh- I like Richelle. And I think that...she uhh- sort of, maybe likes me." Randy says.

"If you guys start dating you better not ignore me and go on dates all the time? Cause that's what would happen if you did." Howard says and now Randy's a blushing mess. I could call him a tomato right now

You know what? I will. Right after I take another pick.

I take a pic of Randy without him knowing.

"Of course not Howard." I say.

"You look like a tomato Randy." I laugh.

"And you don't?" Randy asks.

"We're opposite Randy. I, unlike some people, can actually hide my feelings." I laugh.

"Opposites attract though." I here him mutter.

I'll choose to ignore him. This time.

"So what are you going to do about Theresa?" Howard asks.

"Hey Randy! I was looking all over for you, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk in the park since the dance was canceled." Theresa runs up to us.

"You can have him." I push him over to Theresa.

"Alright, let's go Randy!" Theresa says.

"Howard we haven't hung out in so long! We really need to catch up. Come on lets hit the game hole. My treat." I say.

"If it means free food then I'm in!" Howard says as we start walking there.

"I've always hated the Nomicon. It's always bossing Randy around."

"Well if you were in there for a year you wouldn't mind it."

"So it's been a year. What made you decide to finally change?" Howard asks.

"Well. When your stuck in an 800 year old book. It kind of makes you change." I say.

He starts laughing and I think it means he agrees with me I don't know?

"You are not going to the game hole looking like that." I point at his neon orange tux.

"I can't go back to my house we're already here. And they close in an hour so?"

With a snap of my finger I make Howard's normal clothes appear on him.

I do the same for me and I make my hair red again.

"How'd you do that?" Howard asks.

"I have my ways." I say.

"Hey do mind if Terrance comes I don't really wanna play against a girl."

"Hey. Have you forgotten I beat the run from dogs level in grave punchers?" I ask.

"No but still. Your a girl."

"And what does that have to do with anything? You know what? Never mind I'll call him. Then we'll have a contest. Whoever wins gets to make the other people do whatever they want."

I pull out my iPhone and call Riichi.

"Hey Richelle is there something wrong?"

"Send Terrance to the game hole. Now." I say before hanging up.

"Now we'll see who the champion gamer really is." I walk into the game hole.

If I win then Howard and Terrence are dressing up as rainbow ballerinas tomorrow.

And I'll take plenty of videos.

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