Chp 42: Embarrassing Bash once again

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"Yeah Drex, do her?" I ask.

"Well I can tell she likes me."

"That's obvious. But do you like her back?" Howard asks.

"Well...umm...I" He hides his face from us then blushes.

Why are you lying.

"That's so sweet why do you like her?" I ask.

"Well she's so weird...and umm..." He says quietly.

"Opposites attract?" I ask.

"Yeah exactly. Kind of like you and that Richelle girl." Drex says.

"Us? Me and Richelle? Date? Pfft, don't make me laugh." I say sarcastically.

"Let's talk less about Richelle and Randy, and more about you and Nichelle." Howard says to Drex.

"Drichelle? Nichex?" I ask.

"Drichelle sounds better. But yeah you guys would be cute together." Howard says.

"Yeah but-" Drex starts but Bash interrupts him.

"Hey you!" Bash yells then runs up to us, his minions following him.

"What?" Drex says quietly.

"What is that!" Bash yells in Drex's face, pointing to his blue laptop case. It looks like an iMac laptop case.

But right next to his case is the garbage.

I walk over to the garbage can and put my hand on the edge.

"That is that trash can! Feel free to visit it anytime!" I say.

Then Drex giggles a little.

He's such a nerd.

But then again I guess I am too.

Cause I like video games. If that even counts?

"I meant that nerds purse!" Bash yells.

Honestly? Drex's laptop case does not look like a purse put apparently it does to Bash.

"I know what you meant. But how about you visit it right now." I walk behind Bash, lift up both of his legs so he falls in the garbage can.

"That should teach you." I laugh, then we all walk away.

The bell rings and we go to our first two classes and now it's lunch. We're sitting at our table.

"That was so bruce what you did back there." Drex says.

"That was nothing." I laugh.

"Why are you acting so different? I mean, you've never stood up to Bash." Howard says.

"Well I'm in a good mood today...?" I ask.

"Makes sense." Howard shrugs.

I see Nichelle starring at Drex from the corner of my eye.

"Hey Drex?" I smirk, pointing at Nichelle.

He runs around then immediately turns back to us and blushes. I can see Nichelle blushing too.

"Why don't you go ask her out?" Howard asks.

"I- I don't know. I'm too shy to ask." He rubs the back of his next.

"Go on. Or else I'll do it for you." I get up.

"Fine. You do it." Drex hides his face.

I get up and walk over to Nichelle, Ivory and Rebecca.

"Hey Randy!" Nichelle says a little too sarcastically.

All I do is wink at her.

"So Nichelle, I heard over back at my table that a certain cutie likes you." I smirk.

"You mean Drex!" She starts fangirling.

"I knew it." Ivory says.

"He's way to shy to say anything. Why don't you go see a movie or something?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe I should go on a double date with you and Richelle." Nichelle says.

Why does she have to drag me into this?

"No honking way." I laugh.

"Oh come on. You seemed to really like her couple weeks ago-"

"That was weeks ago." I say.

"Wait what?" Rebecca asks.

"I caught them making out in the caf during class time." Nichelle laughs.

"What? It's not like you wouldn't kiss Drex?" I say.

"Yeah okay you got me." Nichelle says.

"Well that's my cue to leave so-" I see Howard waving.

"Wait. Meet me at the Mc.Theater tonight. 7 o'clock." Nichelle says before I walk away.

What has she got me into this time?

So school ends and I have to convince Howard that Randy's mom made Randy go get groceries.

Which luckily he believed.

When no one was looking I changed back to myself and walked to Randy's.

I knock continuously on his door until his mom answers.

"Oh hello Richelle. I haven't seen you in a month! How have you been?" Sarah asks.

"I'm good Sarah thanks. Is Randy there? I heard he was sick and couldn't go to school." I say.

"He's up in his room."

"Ok thanks."

"No problem Richelle." Sarah says, then I walk up to his room.

"Sup Cunningham!" I walk in his room, talking in Howard's voice.

"Howard?" He turns around. "Richelle? How'd you do that?"

"Nichelle taught me. I know you may not like this idea but Nichelle kind of dragged us into a double date with her and Drex."

"Seriously." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah I know. You still sick?" I ask.

"Yeah a little." He says.

Is there a reverse puking poke? Maybe I could try that?

I do it in reverse and he laughs because I'm tickling him.

"Done." I say.

"Okay so when is this 'date'?" Randy asks.

"The Mc.Theatre."


"7 'o clock tonight. Be there or I'll drag you there because I am not third wheeling." I say before teleporting away.

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