Chp 3: Swimming

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The ninja smoke bombs away and Randy comes running into the cafeteria.

"What did I miss?" He asks.

I can't help but laugh. At how obvious he is.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Oh...nothing." I say.

"Well lunch is almost over Howard. So I guess you missed your chance to sit at the table." I say.

"You little-" Howard starts.

"Don't even start." I say.

"Come on Richelle we need to go to class." Theresa says.

"Okay I'm coming." We walk out of the cafeteria and before I close the door I glare at Howard.

The rest of the day is so boring. I wish something more exited would happen like me running into Bash again.

I mean, now that the days over I suppose I'll have to go back to the fort I made.

"Hey Richelle!" Theresa yells.

I lock my locker and turn around.

"Sup?" I ask.

"You wanna come swimming with us at the pool?" She asks.

"Who's 'us'?" I ask.

"Me, Debbie and you of course. We could show you around town too." She says.

Seriously? On my first day I've already got into a fight, got a kid stanked...and now I'm being asked to go swimming?

Maybe things will calm down after the first week is over.

"Sure! Pick me up at 5." I say.

"Where's your house?" She asks.

"Just pick me up at the town square. It's not too far from my house." I say.

"Sure. I can't wait to see you!" She says.

I know I hated her before but she doesn't seem so bad now. When you get to know her.

I sprint back to the forest and once it's around 5, I sprint back.

I guess I have a good judgment of time, because Theresa's mom just parked in front of me.

She comes out of the car and takes my hand.

"Come on! Wait...where's your bathing suit?" She asks.

I let go of her hand and put my hands behind my back.

I make a black ruffle bikini appear in my hands along with a purple towel.

"Here." I say. Showing her it.

Alright now let's go." She says. I sit beside Debbie in the back. Theresa sits beside her mom, who's driving.

Once we get there Theresa and Debbie basically drag me to the change rooms and they shove me into a stall.

"Get changed!" They yell.

"Okay okay." I say.

By the time I get changed and come out everyone else is changed too.

Theresa's wearing a pink bikini and Debbie's wearing a blue one-piece.

We run outside and I end up falling right when we get out of the change rooms.

But that doesn't stop me. I get up and run to the pool. Then I jump in making the biggest cannon ball.

Everyone in the pool yells at my but I don't really care.

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