Chapter 15

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-Mariska's POV-

He struck me in the face with the dagger, drawing blood. He struck me again, in the stomach, arms, legs, anything that would cause me harm. I had lost a lot of blood over the past few days, today adding to the loss. I had felt faint ever since I had been dragged here, but today is the worst.

"Ready to speak?" He smiled, dragging the blade slowly across my jawline, tears and a scream threatening to be let loose.

"No?" He pouted, digging the blade in deeper into my jaw. I felt the cool metal pierce my jaw, and dragging down towards my chin. I couldn't control myself, and let out a blood-curdling scream.

-Jacob's POV-

Evie and Henry has told me countless times to give up. It feels like they don't care, after everything she's done, they forget about her? Not going to happen. 

"Jacob, what's wrong?" Evie asked. We were waking down a derelict borough, surveying what was going on.  

"Mariska," I pouted, looking at my feet. Evie put her hand on my shoulder, and met my eye

"We'll find her, but right now, it doesn't look very promising," She sympathetically smiled, giving me absolutely no hope whatsoever. As we carried on walking, we travelled into the shabby parts of London. Yes there were shabbier parts.

"God help the souls that live here," Evie commented, looking around at all of the buildings. We walked past one with about six Blighters holding the door. 

"What's going on in there then?" I asked, eager for danger. Before Evie could stop me, I jogged over to the Blighters and stood in front of them, smirking.

"Well, if it 'ain't Mr. Frye," One of them smirked

"We don't want no trouble today, we 'aint in the mood. Go away," One growled, rolling his eyes. Evie was about to pull me away when the most awful scream erupted over us all, making everyone in London cover their ears. I looked up to see the Blighters open the door, and run up the stairs. We followed them, readying our blades. I couldn't prepare myself for what happened next.

I barged though the Blighters guarding the door, to see Mariska and another woman, tied up together. Mariska's head was on her chest, her hair curtaining her face. I could see blood dripping from her face onto the floor. Her dainty arms were covered in harsh, crimson slashes. This immediately fueled my rage.

I jumped onto the nearest Blighter, slashing right through his neck, shooting the next with my revolver. Evie burst through the doorway, and audibly gasped, though there was no time to help Mariska. She shot another with a revolver, and threw her kukri in another's eye. Soon enough, there was only me, Evie, and the brute left, who I could only assume was the culprit for Mariska's wounds. 

"Why her?" I shouted, countering his hit

"We wanted to lead you here, you tosser!" He yelled, hitting me

"Why did you hurt her?!" Evie questioned, striking him with her hidden blade

"She deserved it!" He laughed. That was the last straw. The laugh at the end spiked my anger, making me grab my own kukri, and marching straight for him.

"You twat!" I yelled, stabbing the sharp, polished metal into his eye. I would've admired my kill if it wasn't for the woman clearing her throat, bring me back to reality. I ran over to them, using my hidden blade to cut the rope.

"Careful, we're tied together, she'll fall," The woman said, shooting Mariska a look. As soon as the rope was cut, Mariska slumped forward even more. If it wasn't for me catching her, she would've fallen to the floor.

"Easy girl, I've got you," I whispered into her hair, carrying her bridal style.

"I can walk," she whispered, hiding her face with her hair.

"I highly doubt that love," I said. I hate to say this, but I really did feel like crying. Seeing her so vulnerable, in so much pain,  it made me want to kill every single person that ever did her wrong.



sorry this was a pretty shit chapter again 

idk what to do with this anymore tbh, i feel like Jacob and Mariska's relationship was rushed, and the whole story seems pretty shit and eeeeeeuuuugggg 

if you've got any ideas, either for this story or another, lemme know

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